Weather Stationary

Ambient Weather Stations: Is WS-2000 Better Than WS-2902C

Ambient Weather Stations: Is WS-2000 Better Than WS-2902C

Ambient Weather Stations continue to be in the top sellers worldwide.  We are often asked which the better weather station is to buy between the Ambient WS-2902C and the Ambient WS-2000.

In our opinion, both are outstanding products and offer amazing value for money.  While certainly not for professionals, their mid-range price points make them both ideal for home weather enthusiasts.  The Ambient WS-2902C is the latest model in the popular 2902 range and features an upgrade to the LCD display from the WS-2902B.

Ambient Weather WS-2902C

Ambient Weather WS-2902C WiFi Smart Weather Station

Ambient Weather WS-2000

Ambient Weather WS-2000 Smart Weather Station with WiFi Remote Monitoring and Alerts

Ambient Weather WS-2902 WiFi Smart Weather Station

Ambient Weather WS-2000 Smart Weather Station with WiFi Remote Monitoring and Alerts



Ambient Weather WS-2902C

Ambient Weather WS-2902C WiFi Smart Weather Station

Ambient Weather WS-2902 WiFi Smart Weather Station


Ambient Weather WS-2000

Ambient Weather WS-2000 Smart Weather Station with WiFi Remote Monitoring and Alerts

Ambient Weather WS-2000 Smart Weather Station with WiFi Remote Monitoring and Alerts


Last update on 2025-01-16

This article looks to compare the Ambient WS-2000 to the Ambient WS-2902C, but first, a quick overview of the company.

Ambient Weather Stations – Industry-Leading Devices

Ambient Weather continues to be a leading brand in the weather station industry.

As per the company overview, Ambient Weather is a leading weather station & software manufacturer based in Arizona.  The company specializes in offering customized solutions. They have products for homes & offices, schools, industries, government, and various other sectors. Ambient Weather is committed to empowering customers to harness personal weather data. This allows them to make better decisions and take control of their lives.

Ambient Weather manufactures accurate, affordable, and easy-to-install outdoor weather stations. They combine these with engaging and vibrant displays as indoor console units. These high-end weather stations by Ambient Weather also feature built-in connectivity. Log-in to an interactive web-based dashboard along with a map that features weather station readings.

Ambient Weather devices allow you to share your readings or follow other weather stations nearby.  With Ambient Weather stations, you are no longer reliant on data from distant monitors that may not represent your local conditions.

Ambient Weather Stations – WS-2902C Vs. WS-2000

There are many weather stations offered by Ambient Weather, with different models featuring unique specifications. With an eye on accuracy and value, this leading weather station brand has developed exceptionally durable units with a wide range of benefits.

In this post, we review 2 of the best-selling products by Ambient Weather – the WS-2902C weather station and the WS-2000 weather station.

Product NameProduct PlacementMajor DifferencesSpecial MeasurementsDisplay DimensionsDisplayOptional Sensors

Ambient Weather WS-2902C WiFi Smart Weather Station
Entry Level Console + InternetWiFi Connectivity
Basic Console
Additional Sensor Capability
Dew Point
Heat Index
Indoor Humidity
Indoor Temperature
Moon Phase
Outdoor Humidity
Outdoor Temperature
Solar Radiation
UV Radiation
Wind Speed
Wind Direction
Wind Chill

7.5″ X 4.5″ X 0.75″Full ColorThermohygrometer
Probed Thermometer
Indoor Air Particulate Monitor
Outdoor Air Particulate Monitor

Ambient Weather WS-2000 Smart Weather Station
Advanced Console + InternetInternet Connected
Advanced Console
Expanded Sensor Capability
Dew Point
Heat Index
Indoor Humidity
Indoor Temperature
Moon Phase
Moon Rise
Moon Set
Outdoor Humidity
Outdoor Temperature
Relative Pressure
Solar Radiation
UV Radiation
Sun Rise
Sun Set
Wind Direction
Wind Speed
Wind Chill
7.5″ X 4.5″ X 0.75″Full ColorThermohygrometer
Probed Thermometer
Indoor Air Particulate Monitor
Outdoor Air Particulate Monitor
Leak Alarm
Lightning Detector
Soil Moisture

Ambient Weather WS-2902C WiFi Smart Weather Station

Ambient Weather WS-2902C WiFi Smart Weather Station

The Ambient Weather WS-2902C is one of the best weather stations available in the market today.  Considering its reasonable price, the Ambient Weather WS-2902C offers terrific value for money.

This 10-in-1 station can measure high-end parameters like wind direction, wind speed, outdoor temperature, rainfall, solar radiation, outdoor humidity, UV, and much more.  

Our expert review team covers this top weather station in detail.

Design and Performance

The WS-2902C weather station by Ambient Weather is known for its dramatic design features. It has an impressive LCD display, which is an upgrade from its predecessor version, the WS-2902B.  This model is the latest version of professional home weather stations. It allows you to monitor backyard weather conditions as well as settings within the home.

ambient weather station ws-2902 display

The device comes with a clear and easy-to-read LCD display. The color specifications have been completely re-designed from earlier models. Wi-Fi connectivity is enhanced from earlier versions which allow the station to transmit data wirelessly to Weather Underground.  This is the largest personal weather station network in the world and gives precise weather data for any given area.

In terms of performance, the Ambient Weather WS-2902C delivers optimum results.  The unit includes 3 indoor sensors for temperature, humidity, and air quality. This 10-in-1 weather station also has 7 outdoor sensors combined within a single unit for easy installation. 

ambient weather station ws-2902C sensor array

The outdoor Osprey Sensor Array includes:

  1. Rain Gauge
  2. Thermo-Hygrometer Sensor (temperature and humidity)
  3. UV/Solar Radiation Sensor
  4. Wind Cups
  5. Wind Vane
  6. Solar Collector
  7. Bubble Level

Solar panels are incorporated to power the lithium batteries within the unit.  There is also an alkaline battery backup for long-term inclement weather.  These ensure that the Ambient Weather WS-2902C delivers accurate data every day of the year.

With a wireless range of 330ft, you can have your Ambient Weather Station deep in the backyard for better readings.  Superior Wi-Fi connectivity allows you to send real-time data to The elaborate Ambient Weather Network helps in offering an intuitive & interactive experience for monitoring weather-specific data across different platforms.

The WS-2902C is capable of supporting optional sensors such as: WH31P (8 channel), WH31E (8 channel), PM2.5IN, and PM2.5.

10 Weather Sensors

The professional weather station by Ambient Weather helps in monitoring your home as well as backyard weather conditions with its easy-to-read LCD color display.

In fact, the console of the weather station features two subsequent levels of improved wireless connectivity. The device’s sensor array is capable of connecting to the console with the help of the RF (featuring 915 MHz). In turn, the console connects to your router (featuring 2.4 GHz).

Improved Wi-Fi connectivity of the device allows the unit to transmit its data across the Internet. This also allows you to view weather conditions in real-time along with other factors like historical data while receiving alerts on your laptop, smartphone, desktop or tablet.

Ambient Weather WS-2000 Smart Weather Station with WiFi Remote Monitoring

The WS-2000 model by Ambient Weather gives a full range of local as well as remote weather station data featuring cloud hosting for free at  

With this unit at your home or workplace, you get the opportunity to experience the convenience of possessing personalized weather information on the go.  Get alerts and up-to-date information right from your smartphone, tablet, computer, or desktop.

Design & Performance

The WS-2000 weather station by Ambient Weather is renowned for its remote and local personal units of weather stations. It features a high-definition, TFT, colorful LCD display unit that is easy to read at either day or night.  The design specification of the display features a dark-colored background.

ambient weather station ws-2000 display

The console is capable of receiving important weather-specific parameters like wind speed, rainfall, wind direction, humidity, UV radiation, temperature (both indoors & outdoors), and solar radiation from its wireless sensor array for outdoor weather conditions. It can also receive additional weather information like humidity, barometric pressure, and temperature conditions from the indoor sensor (that is optional and sold separately).

The unit features a dynamic, colorful display tablet for combining measured parameters with accurately calculated data.  This includes “Feels Like” temperature (featuring heat index and wind chill), 10-minute wind direction & wind speed, dew point, sunset, sunrise, forecast and moon phase. 

There is a multi-screen display for including:

  • NIST Internet-based time server synchronization
  • Metric & imperial units of measurement
  • Low & high alarm conditions with audible notifications or alerts
  • Real-time internet-based weather publishing
  • Calibration of all important parameters


The Ambient Weather WS-2000 features a wireless connectivity sensor array which connects to the main console using the RF (featuring 915 MHz).  This gives around 330 feet line of sight under open air conditions (in most cases, 100 feet). The wireless signal will not pass-through solid metal or ground.  

ambient weather station ws-2000 connection

The primary source of power for the sensor array is the solar panel that can charge the super capacitor.  At the same time, there is an optional battery backup, however, additional batteries are not included.

The sensor array will mount to any pole with a diameter range of 1.25 – 2 inches.  In fact, Ambient Weather have a number of poles for mounting your weather station. Moreover, there are additional specifications such as a U-Bolt and adaptive mounting bracket to be tightened to the mounting pole.  Again, this is not included in the package.

The Wi-Fi settings can be directly entered into the display tablet using interactive buttons, and support for encrypted Wi-Fi transmission is also provided.  

The WS-2000 unit by Ambient Weather will display minimum & maximum conditions with proper date & time stamps, along with historical and archived data.  These can be easily exported to the 32 GB SD card (not included in the package) for advanced analysis of data in Excel.

Bright & Connected Display Tablet

The TFT, high-definition display tablet of the device shows wireless wind direction, wind speed, temperature, rainfall, solar radiation, UV radiation, and humidity from the outdoor sensor array.  

ambient weather station ws-2000 light display

Other parameters include barometric pressure, temperature, and humidity from the indoor sensor.

The tablet can support an additional 8 Thermo-Hygrometer sensors which can be placed in and around the house for extensive business or home monitoring.  

Connect to the Internet and Wi directly from the display tablet.


We hope our review has helped clarify the features of both the Ambient Weather WS-2902C and the Ambient Weather WS-2000.  Our experts agree that both offer terrific value for money and provide accurate and easy to understand data.

If you are new to weather stations we suggest starting with the Ambient Weather WS-2902C. It is an easy-to-use product, at a great price that gives good overall data. 

However, if you are on the land, a weather specialist, or just need more weather data, then spend the extra and invest in the Ambient
Weather WS-2000 weather station.  It allows for more data, and also gives you more options to add further sensors over time.

Whichever model you invest in, you won’t go wrong with either of these top weather stations built by Ambient Weather.

Read our review of the Best Weather Stations To Buy in 2021 to read about some other top brands in home weather stations.

How To Precisely Measure Wind Speed: Anemometers

How To Precisely Measure Wind Speed: Anemometers

If you are interested in weather updates & want to know how to measure wind speed then understanding anemometers is valuable. Wind speed determines how soon a storm will arrive and how it affects the creation of high and low-pressure areas.  Measuring wind speed is an important factor when piloting a plane or conducting an outdoor athletic activity.


What Measures Wind Speed?

Wind speed is measured by using an instrument called the anemometer. The unit of anemometer is FPM or feet per minute.

An anemometer has has five basic types. These are, Mechanical Anemometer, Pressure Tube Anemometer, Thermal Anemometer, Sound Wave Anemometer and Doppler Laser Light Anemometer.

Each type has its own subcategories along with advantages and disadvantages. These characteristics make each type ideal for measuring wind speed in particular situations.

We have included photos of each type in case you’re wondering; “what does an anemometer look like?”

Types Of Anemometers To Measure Wind Speed:

1. Mechanical
2. Pressure Tube
3. Thermal
4. Sound Wave
5. Doppler Laser Light

1. Mechanical Anemometers

These anemometers are among the oldest and most popular, so how do they work? They operate by simply having the wind push on them and then measuring angles or rotations.

Mechanical Anemometers comes in three types.

  • Plate Anemometers
  • Cup Anemometers
  • Propeller / Vane Anemometers


Plate Anemometers

Plate Anemometer first wind speed measures

The oldest form of what measures wind speed. These simple meters were invented by Italian architect Leon Battista Alberti in 1450. They use a plate mounted on a strip of springy metal which is faced into the wind. As wind speed increases, the plate is lifted and bent back. The change in angle of the hanging rod is measured and corresponds to wind velocity.

As you could imagine, this type of anemometer is not very accurate due to many factors. Think low wind speeds and deterioration of the plate and springs over time. A variation of this consists of attaching a ping pong ball to a string and determining wind velocity by the angle of the string as the wind pushes the ball.


Cup Anemometers

measure wind speed with cup anemometers

The classic image of four cups rotating around a vertical pole was made possible by inventor Dr John Thomas Romney Robinson in 1845. Originally, the device would measure wind speed by counting the number of cup rotations over a time interval.

This technique was improved by the use of electronics for measuring purposes. Electrical components can either provide greater accuracy in counting rotations per time unit or act as a small generator that creates higher wattage as wind speed increases.

Propeller / Vane Anemometers

propeller vane anemometers for wind speed

The use of a fan permits wind direction to be simultaneously determined with wind speed. The vane with the turbine has to be facing into the wind else the whole machine will rotate.

handheld wind speed meter using a miniature fan has an advantage over its larger cousin. Since you’re the one doing the pointing, it will always be facing into even the lightest wind . Also, because it’s not permanently outdoors, a handheld wind speed meter isn’t threatened by winter icing.

Vane anemometers give users choices of units of measurement: m/s, ft/min, km/h, MPH and knots to accommodate different types of applications.

2. Pressure Tube Anemometers

pressure tube anemometer and wind speed

Another very old approach to measure wind speed is through the use of a pressure tube. First developed by James Lind in 1775, the basic idea is to start with a U-shaped tube and bend one end over to create a horizontal section. This piece will face into the wind. Liquid is placed into the tube and wind blowing into the horizontal portion will force the liquid up along the vertical section.

Modern versions have replaced the liquid with a flexible membrane. This moves in response to pressure differences, while a gauge translates this into wind speed. With no mechanical parts, this instrument for measuring wind speed can go for long periods without maintenance.

3. Thermal / Hot Wire Anemometers

thermal hot wire anemometer

These thermal measuring devices are also known as hot wire anemometers. You start with the underlying principle that a flowing wind cools things off.

The device includes a thermostat that keeps a heated wire at a steady temperature. So, as the wind blows across the wire, it’s cooled and more electricity is used to bring it back up to its set temperature. The increased draw of electricity is what measures wind speed.

 4. Sound Wave Anemometers

Types of sound wave anemometers to measure wind speed:

  • Ultrasonic Anemometers
  • Acoustic Resonance Anemometers

Ultrasonic Anemometers

sound waves to measure wind speed

Because sound needs gas molecules to travel through, their speed and direction can affect the speed of the sound waves. Ultrasonic anemometers use this phenomenon to calculate wind speed. They compare the travel time between a sound generator and a receiver to what it should be under no wind.

The big drawback here is that turbulence created by wind flowing around the instrument itself can distort the results. Rainfall can also play havoc with readings.

Acoustic Resonance Anemometers

acoustic resonance anemometers

While it also uses sound waves to measure wind speed, this instrument takes a different approach. It measures changes in the frequency of the waves as they collide with passing air molecules. Faster winds will cause the sound waves to compress into a higher frequency.

These anemometers are compact and very rugged however, they are not that accurate.

5. Doppler Laser Anemometers

Doppler laser anemometers

This system relies on the same principals as an ultrasonic anemometer. The difference is that laser light is what measures wind speed.

The laser beam is split in two. One portion is used for reference while the other is aimed at the wind. If the air is rushing towards the measuring beam, the light waves reflecting off it are squeezed into a higher frequency. This is referred to blue shifting.

Laser light bouncing off air particles headed away from the detector undergo red shifting to a lower frequency. The receiving station compares this reflected light to the reference beam to calculate the speed of the moving air.

This instrument to measure wind speed is extremely accurate as well as very expensive. It also requires a lot of technical expertise to operate.


Many Choices To Measure Wind Speed

Clearly, there’s a lot of ways you can use to measure wind speed. 

Keep in mind that some methods may not be very reliable. Others can be pretty costly and may involve unwieldy contraptions.

“What tool measures wind speed the best?”  In our opinion, it comes down to cup anemometers for personal weather stations and handheld anemometers. These portable devices are accurate measures for wind speed anywhere you go. They are affordable, reliable and durable.

To read more on anemometers, try our 6 Best Anemometers For Every Need In 2021

Bamboo Garden: Expert Advice For Easy Care

Bamboo Garden: Expert Advice For Easy Care

A bamboo garden can transform your environment into a secluded nook with a tropical feel.  Tall bamboo plants create a natural privacy screen, whilst growing bamboo in water can make your yard feel like an island oasis.

The thought of a yard full of bamboo can make some gardeners want to run for the hills as certain bamboo varieties can be invasive.  They can end up taking over your yard and crowding out native plants.

However, that’s no reason to avoid bamboo planting.  With the right knowledge, tools, and experience, you too, can create a beautiful bamboo garden right in your own backyard!

We’ve put together a full guide to growing and maintaining your own bamboo backyard.  And, for those of you with little time, we’ve condensed a quick guide at the start too!

Quick Guide To Create And Maintain Your Bamboo Garden

Getting started with bamboo doesn’t need to be a huge task.  If you’re new to the plant, here are some quick facts you need to know!

  • Bamboo doesn’t come from the tree family, it’s actually a type of grass. There are nearly 500 different species of bamboo, split into two main types – running and clumping bamboo.
  • Running bamboo is likely to be the type you want for a backyard.  It’s characterized by a long stem with a tidy amount of leaves at the top.
  • Clumping bamboo can become wild and uncontrolled very easily – looking more like a bush than the tall quaint plants we’re used to seeing!
  • You don’t need to be somewhere hot to grow bamboo.  With species such as Yellow Grove and Panda, bamboo is not only able to survive but can flourish below 0 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Bamboo (especially running bamboo) is super easy to maintain.  By incorporating a good schedule of watering, fertilizing, and thinning you can easily create a perfect bamboo backyard that your friends and neighbors will envy.

Top 3 Bamboo Backyard Products

Whether you’re just starting to plant, or you’ve got a full bamboo backyard to maintain, check out some of the top-rated tools for keeping your bamboo in top condition!

Last update on 2025-01-16

Depending on your type of Bamboo, root spread can be both invasive and potentially dangerous. This 60mm DeepRoot will stop any roots from spreading where you don’t want them, protecting your entire garden!

TaborTools offers a long-range, high-power lopper, perfect for keeping your bamboo perfectly thinned and trimmed! Don’t let overgrowth ruin your perfect garden.

If you want tall, healthy bamboo, try the Green Green fertilizer. Just a few drops will promote the growth of all flowers and plants and is perfect for bamboo varieties.

Our Detailed Guide To Creating And Maintaining A Bamboo Garden

If you’ve mastered our quick guide and want some thorough knowledge of creating and maintaining amazing bamboo, jump into our detailed guide below!

Bamboo Garden 101

bamboo is a grass |

Bamboo trees are actually not trees at all; bamboo is a type of grass. Native bamboo plants grow prolifically in South and Central America and Asia.

However, many people don’t realize that some species of bamboo are native to the U.S.  Science Daily reports that the newest species of North American bamboo was discovered in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina in this century. This grass acts like a bamboo tree, dropping its leaves in the fall. Other bamboo species have their own unique characteristics.

Bamboo trees are actually not trees at all; bamboo is a type of grass.

 The Spruce explains that one of the easiest ways to identify different types of bamboo is by its reproductive tendencies. Let’s take a look at the two main types: Clumping and Running.

Clumping Bamboo

Clumping bamboo is the less invasive version of the plant. In other words, this is the type of bamboo that politely stays where you plant it – it’s the bamboo you want!

clumping bamboo for the backyard |

Clumping bamboo is a slow spreader so it only requires little maintenance. Bamboo Garden says that the roots develop in a U-shape. Underground, the buds will turn upward, creating new shoots next to the existing ones.

They’ll only spread outward a few inches each year, but they’ll gain about 1 to 2 feet in height.

Running Bamboo

Running bamboo is the unrestrained party animal of the species. It won’t stay put! Running bamboo expands by sending out rhizomes. This horizontal root system allows the plant to spread quickly.

running bamboo

Running bamboo is considered to be incredibly invasive. You will want to avoid planting this type of bamboo, especially if you don’t want dirty looks from your neighbors.

Running bamboo grows 3 to 5 feet every year but, of course, with its invasive nature, it can spread just as far, if not further, horizontally.

Can I Grow A Bamboo Garden?

You don’t need to live in a tropical rainforest to grow and create a bamboo backyard.  Mother Earth News says that most bamboo types grow well in the southern United States, along the Gulf Coast from Georgia to Texas, and on the West Coast. However, many people grow the ornamental variety throughout the entire country.

What Type Of Bamboo Should You Buy? 

The type of bamboo that you plant depends on, your climate, where you’ll be planting the bamboo, and how you want it to look.

The American Bamboo Society has compiled a chart of more than 490 kinds of bamboo.

When you find a plant that you might want to grow in your garden, you can cross-reference it with one of these. The table lists the botanical names as well as the common names that you might see in a catalog.

According to Bamboo Inspiration, the hardiest varieties of clumping bamboo are Thamnocalamus and Fargesia, also known as Panda bamboo.

growing bamboo in the backyard |

SF Gate says that the way to find the best type of bamboo for your region is to pinpoint the lowest winter temperature.  Keep an eye on the temperature in your area with a weather station to accurately know the weather patterns in your area. 

It can be a real bummer to see the bamboo that you planted in the summer die off because it couldn’t handle your cold winters.  Use other weather gadgets to help you purchase the ideal plants for your environment. One instrument that you will need is a top Rain Gauge.

This tool allows you to measure the rainfall amounts and know how much water you are using for your bamboo backyard – here are some of our favorites!

Last update on 2025-01-16

Bamboo Plants for Cold Climates

  • Yellow Groove bamboo – Can survive temperatures of -5 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Panda bamboo – Can withstand temperatures as cold as -25 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Bissetii Dwarf bamboo – Flourishes in zones that see winter temperatures of -10 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Blue Fountain bamboo – Hardy to temperatures of -20 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Chinese Timber Bamboo – This impressive bamboo grows to 35 to 70 feet and survives temperatures as low as -5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Bamboo Plants for Warm Climates

  • Thamnocalamus tessellatus – Recommended for zones 7 through 9, high winds, and sunny spots. Leaves show damage at temperatures below 12 degrees Fahrenheit. Grows to 12 to 15 feet.
  • Bambusa multiplex – Grows best in zones 8 through 11 and grows in semi-shade. Doesn’t thrive in temperatures below 15 degrees Fahrenheit. Grows to 14 to 16 feet.
  • Golden Goddess – Hardy in zones 8 through 10 and enjoys partial to full sun. Grows to 6 to 8 feet tall and canes are slender and graceful.
  • Black bamboo – Recommended from zones 7 through 10 and hardy to 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Grows to about 25 feet tall. Culms turn black within about three years.

Bamboo Garden Design Ideas

Garden Designs with bamboo |


Asian landscaping relies heavily on bamboo in the backyard for privacy and interest. Bamboo landscaping is convenient because you don’t need a lot of plants to fill an area. Fast-growing bamboo fills in the spaces of even large backyards within a few years. Therefore, it’s the perfect plant for people who love a beautiful garden but don’t want to do a lot of work.

using bamboo in backyard design |


Creating A Bamboo Sanctuary

What’s more luxurious than relaxing in a sanctuary surrounded by giant bamboo? Plant a grove, and then cut a path through the center to give yourself a refuge from the chaos of daily life.  According to Bamboo Botanicals, Chinese Timber bamboo is ideal for creating a grove.  Just make sure that you have a large enough property to support its spreading behavior.

Using Bamboo As A Hedge 

You can make your yard stand out from your neighbors’ properties by using bamboo instead of traditional hedge plants.  Bamboo hedges should have low leaves that branch out of the canes.  Bambusa multiplex is also called Hedge bamboo for its ability to create a leafy border. Golden Goddess can also be pruned in a way to create your hedge shape.

bamboo hedge |


Prune bamboo hedges once a year. Shape them every spring or summer, when the culms have reached full height. Once the plant has matured, cut new growth at ground level if you start to see that it’s thicker than the existing growth. This will help you maintain a shapely hedge. If you really want to play around with your garden, treat your bamboo like a topiary, snipping it into unique shapes.

Bamboo Bushes

The same type of bamboo that works well as a hedge can make beautiful bushes. In colder climates, bamboo bushes are grown as ornamental grass and cut down in the winter. Use a bamboo bush to anchor a garden or provide a backdrop for a koi pond.

Small Bamboo Plants

If you’re just stumbling into the world of bamboo growing, you might be more comfortable buying bamboo plants for indoor use.  Dengarden explains that Dracena sanderiana, or Lucky bamboo, can even bring you good fortune. How’s that for getting started on the right foot with bamboo gardening? Although it’s not a true bamboo plant, it has the same exotic style. Lucky bamboo is easy to grow in potting soil or a vase of pebbles.

Other plants that look like bamboo can be grown in containers. The Bamboo Palm has stripes on the stems that look like bamboo nodes, according to BigPlants. Buying bamboo for containers is just like purchasing it for your garden. You’ll need to understand the amount of water and sunlight that will be available to choose the right type.

How tall can bamboo grow in a container? That also depends on the species.  Bamboo Botanicals says that running bamboo shoots up more quickly. However, it will also get root-bound sooner than clumping bamboo that’s planted in a pot.

Creating A Bamboo Fence

A living fence can shield your property from prying eyes. Running bamboo creates a more traditional screen than clumping bamboo. However, if you don’t create an underground barrier to prevent this plant from spreading, you’ll probably need more than a bamboo fence to keep your neighbors from giving you the evil eye.

How To Plant Bamboo 

You can purchase bare-root or container bamboo. Bare-root bamboo tends to be less expensive, according to HGTV, and you can order it online. It should be planted as soon as it arrives. Bare-root bamboo will come with a few stalks attached to a clump of roots.

Steps For Planting Bare-Root Bamboo:

  1. Dig a hole big enough to accommodate the entire mass.
  2. Loosen the soil at the base of the hole, and fill it with manure or compost.
  3. Put the root ball in the hole, making sure that the soil marks on the bamboo stalks are at ground level.
  4. Hold the bamboo upright as you gently work the loose soil into and around the roots.
  5. Add loamy garden soil to the hole, layering it with water.
  6. When the soil has reached ground level, pack it gently between the bamboo stalks. Firm it down, and water it again.

Planting Bamboo From Containers

  1. Choose bamboo with large roots that are cramped in the container.  SFGate says that these are the best bamboo plants if you want fast growth.
  2. Dig a hole that will hold the root ball. Make sure that the top of the root ball will be level with the ground after planting.
  3. Water the bamboo frequently. Check out the section on how to take care of bamboo for more information about watering.

Installing Barriers For Running Bamboo 

If you’re wondering how to grow bamboo without letting it spread into your patio, pool, or neighbor’s yard, you’ll need to know how to create a rhizome barrier. According to Landscape Advisor, you can use high-density polyethylene to prevent bamboo roots from running. Dig a trench that’s as deep as the barrier is wide. Allow the barrier to sticking up a few inches above the surface of the soil. Check the ground periodically for wayward rhizomes, and pull them out or cut them back if you find them spreading.

How To Care For Bamboo Garden

Do you have a black thumb? Bamboo will make you look like a gardening expert. Bamboo plant care is relatively easy, and you reap great rewards from its impressive looks.

Watering Bamboo Garden

Caring for bamboo involves some intensive TLC when plants are new, but you can sit back and relax under their exotic canes as they mature. Water bamboo seedlings frequently after planting to support their rapid growth. You’ll need to water young bamboo plants three to four times a week in hot or windy weather and twice a week when it’s mild.

If your plant would fit in a 5-gallon pot, give it half a gallon of water each time you water it. Give a larger plant one gallon of water.

Bamboo shouldn’t sit in a boggy area. Overwatering and flooding can be just as dangerous to new plants as dehydrated soil.

Fertilizing Bamboo Garden

To keep your bamboo looking attractive, fertilize it two or three times a year. Because bamboo is grass, the best fertilizer for bamboo is high-nitrogen lawn food. 

Bamboo Garden recommends applying bamboo food once in early spring and again in the summer.

Thinning Bamboo Garden

Bamboo plant care involves thinning it out as needed. We’ve already discussed how to prune bamboo into hedges or topiaries. You can also thin out running and clumping types of bamboo plants to give them an airy appearance. All you have to do is cut down the stalks that are getting in the way of your perfect view.

Any dead, weak or unsightly culms should be cut at ground level. Thin your bamboo in the fall, when it’s not actively growing.

One of the best things about growing bamboo is that you can use mature canes for DIY projects around the home and garden. After removing older growth, use it to build a bamboo trellis, a fence, or garden hoops. People with large bamboo groves cut giant bamboo into smaller pieces to use as borders, picture frames, and building materials. If nothing else, a bamboo backyard will help spark your creativity.

Technology Gadgets For Your Bamboo Garden

Rain, sun, and wind can affect your bamboo backyard, especially when it’s in the early stages. You don’t have to guess what the weather is going to do when you have data at your fingertips.

weather station tells you the temperature, humidity, wind speed, and rainfall, making it easy for you to decide whether it’s time to water or fertilize your plants.

Use a portable wind meter to determine if strong breezes necessitate more frequent watering and a simple rain gauge to determine the amount of rainfall.

AcuRite 01024 Pro Weather Station 

AcuRite 01024M Pro Weather Station


HoldPeak 866B Digital Anemometer

“0”>HoldPeak 866B Digital Anemometer


Oregon Scientific Wireless Rain Gauge

Oregon Scientific Wireless Rain Gauge Weather Station


Thick bamboo can be difficult to cut down. According to Houzz forum, you can use a fine-toothed saw, lopping pruner, hand pruner, or reciprocating saw to thin bamboo.

Where To Buy Bamboo Plants?

Now that you know all there is to know about bamboo gardening, where can you find a bamboo plant for sale? 

Many online garden supply stores sell bare-root bamboo plants. You might even find potted bamboo at a local nursery.

bare-root bamboo

Be wary of trying to grow bamboo from seeds as it’s really tough to do.  Lewis Bamboo explains that nurseries may only see a few sprouts after planting thousands of seeds.

If you want a successful bamboo garden in your backyard, you must plan it out carefully.  Once the plants are set, you won’t have to do much more than water them and enjoy the natural opulence that they bring to your yard.

Best Weather Apps For Android: Widget, Free And Paid

Best Weather Apps For Android: Widget, Free And Paid

Of all the useful things our smartphones do, giving us accurate weather forecasts on the go is one of the more underappreciated.  There’s a plethora of weather apps for Android available, the best one for you will depend on what you are looking for.

Weather Apps For Android With Widget

Weather live app widget

Weather Live is probably our favorite of all the weather widgets for Android phones that we tried.  You can choose from a tiny 1 X 1 widget that gives a simple temperature readout, or you can have a veritable array of vital weather statistics.  These include wind speed, air pressure, precipitation level, and even visibility.

AccuWeather is another weather widget that is regularly cited as among the best.  Just about every feature you can think of is available from this expert brand in weather.  Get live radar and a minute-by-minute rain reading with MinuteCast.  Find exactly when the rain will start with this top brand in weather apps for android.

Another weather apps widget for android that is worth investigating is Today Weather.  With a dark background, this app is the easiest to read and displays a ton of data.  Giving a terrific user experience, instantly get forecast and weather information.  Often rated as one of the best, our expert testers loved the vast array of information delivered in this weather app for android.


Best Weather Apps For Android

There are lots of terrific weather apps for Android phones online.  Weather Timeline is perhaps our favorite option, we think it is the best Android weather app produced in 2021.

The minimalist interface features an eclectic neutral color palette that looks fantastic in dark mode.  No matter what the time of day, if you need a quick glance at the weather, this is one of the best ways of going about it.

Weather Timeline is one of the oldest weather widgets out there and is still a firm favorite among many Android users.

Most Accurate Weather Apps

The most accurate weather app hands-down has to be the NOAA app.  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are responsible for monitoring climate conditions that impact the World’s oceans, its most important waterways, and the atmosphere itself.

NOAA does not have an official Android App.  However, they provide a NOAA mobile webpage that is easily accessible from both Android and iOS.

NOAA Weather.Gov mobile interface


Naturally, this federal body has access to all the best data and equipment. Their app takes its data from their databases, making it by far the most accurate weather app on the market.

Despite being the best weather app for Android in terms of accuracy, the interface is not fantastic.  This is the most accurate weather app, and also provides up-to-date weather and climate information, but it is not the most user-friendly.

Free Weather Apps For Android

Sometimes, the best things in life ARE free!   In fact, some of the free weather apps for Android are among the best apps we could find.  Many people who have set up their home weather stations are looking for a simple app to compare their results against.

Once you have a weather station set up, you can use a free app like Yahoo weather.  This will allow you to see how your measurements compare with theirs for your local area.  The culmination of all this data can lead to amazing things.  Just look at these weather maps displaying loads of cool temperature data across the world.

Free Weather Apps With No Ads

google feed weather

The only thing better than a free app is a free app that is not dependent upon shoving advertising in your face to sustain itself.

Some offer you the ability to remove adverts for a small fee, and this is a good way of supporting a developer that you like.

The most obvious choice here is Google’s own Google feed.

It gives you a simple and easy way of checking the weather on your phone and is also one of the few areas where Google isn’t trying to serve you adverts.

Android Apps Related to Weather Radar

weather radar app now weather radar app

Weather radar has long been one of the most popular weather apps on Android.

So it is no surprise that there are now many related apps that look to do the same thing.

One of our favorites is Dark Sky, a premium option that is worth every penny.

It is one of the best radar weather apps for Android however, it was originally iOS-only.

You pay $2.99/year to have access to all their features.

This accurate data means you know each minute what the weather will do and is one of the best weather apps that Android has to offer.


Provided By Google

In their infinite wisdom, Google has taken the interesting approach of hiding away their weather app for Android phones.  This is a baffling decision considering the Google weather app is among the company’s best.  It features a sleek and elegant interface that is genuinely pleasing to use.

The good news is that the app you need, the Google app, should be pre-installed on any Android phone.  If not, you can download it online or reinstall it via the play store.

To access the app on your phone you must first open the Google app.  Type weather into the search box, and then look for a box that says access weather instantly from your home screen.  Tap the answer button, and you will now be able to access Google weather.

Check here for more information on how to place the Google Weather widget on your screen.

Best Android Phone Weather Apps

Dark Sky weather app

Our favorite weather app for Android is probably going to be Dark Sky or the NOAA interface.

In the case of Dark Sky, the whole thing is wonderful, and using the app’s UI is intuitive and joyful.

The interface is logical and straightforward, and it’s easy to quickly pull out the information that you need, which is what you want from a phone app.

The NOAA app can’t boast the same simple interface, but it more than makes up for it in the complexity of the data that it offers.

This is the most thorough accounting of the weather in America that you could possibly ask for.

Best Android Tablet Weather Apps

Based on our testing, we would say that the Weather Channel’s app is the best weather app for an Android tablet.  The app scales up nicely, turning any tablet into a sleek little weather display.

At a glance, it provides you with all the basic data such as temperature and wind speed.  With a few taps, you can find almost any weather data you need.

Premium (Paid) Options

radarscoperadarscope weather appFree apps are nice, but some things are worth paying for.

If you are someone who owns a weather station and you take this stuff seriously, it may be worth paying for your app.

The pro version of the unofficial NOAA app made by Apalon Apps and the Dark Sky offers a premium version that more than justifies the asking price.

If you are someone who prefers their weather data in the form of a radar map, then we can heartily recommend Radarscope.

At $9.99, this is one of the more expensive weather apps for Android.

However, it is worth every penny, and you certainly get what you pay for.


With new apps coming out all the time, and old ones being updated, it is worth keeping an eye on the latest releases.  For any budding meteorologist, Android has a lot to offer, through the best weather apps for android.

Related Articles:


Best Weather App For iPhone And iPad

Best Weather App For iPhone And iPad

Although the iPhone comes with a basic weather app that forecasts conditional changes, sometimes, it is not enough.  You may want to find the best weather app for iPhone to be ahead of the crowd.

An app for beginners may be a good option, but having the perfect weather app that can predict the weather in real time is a gift on your iPhone. 

Checking live weather updates on your iPhone with a clear display and accurate data is a blessing in itself.  However, for those who rely heavily on weather changes, it is essential.  For instance, a farmer who works every day in the fields needs to get first-hand information about the weather to make individual decisions.

A weather app that comes pre-installed on the iPhone is free, but do not expect great data from everything available on the App Store.  Many apps on the App Store appear free, however, a little payment is required to get the most relevant data. 

We have taken our time and researched the best weather app for iPhone that you can download. 


1 of 10: Dark Sky – Best Weather App for iPhone Overall

Dark Sky is one of the most renowned apps of the Apple Store that is pro in delivering minute-by-minute weather updates.

The app uses its weather service that ensures accurate weather information for the day.  It comes with an excellent interface that lets the users get the best experience.  Along with it, Dark Sky sends alerts to users in case there is a weather emergency.

Dark Sky is indeed the best weather app for the iPhone; however, the app will cost you about $3.99, making it a little expensive option. 

Dark sky weather app for iphone

Pros & Cons

  • Intuitive app with an attractive design

  •  Shows correct weather predictions

  •  Great maps 

  • Data does not update very quickly 

  • Often shows different predictions on Android and iOS devices

Dark Sky is the first name that comes first on anyone’s mind as the best weather app. It is a must-have in your iPhone.

2 of 10: The Weather Channel – Most Popular Weather App

It’s impossible not to mention Weather Channel when you are writing a review on the best weather apps.

Even though this app has a simple interface, it will still give out such detailed information about weather changes.

The Weather Channel is one of the best local weather apps that shows hourly, daily and 15-days weather predictions. It also indicates forecast to inform users about recent weather uptakes.

You can download Weather Channel for free with ads.  If you want to remove these ads, just make an in-app purchase of $4.

The Weather Channel for iphone

Pros & Cons

  • Great design and user interface

  • Detailed forecast

  • Apple Watch integration

  • Advertisements

  • Takes much scrolling

  • Lack of customizability

The Weather Channel is a good app, but considering such standard features, $4 is a lot for the app. It would be one of the best weather apps only if it was free or for $1 only.

3 of 10: NOAA Official Shortcut for iPhone – Most Accurate

Coming directly from the National Weather Service, what else anyone would want for accurate weather predictions?

NOAA is not available in the Apple Store, but you can get NOAA shortcut on your smartphone without any hassle.  Just visit and add the shortcut, it shows the most accurate weather alerts and is free!

Also, check out Weather Live from Apalon that offers a weather tracker right in your palm.

A map is integrated into the app that predicts National Weather Service alerts, warnings, and watches on the device. This weather app is a hub of perfect weather predictions. The app is free with some in-app purchases.

Do check it out!

NOAA weather radar

Pros & Cons

  • Authentic weather updates 

  • Fast updates about weather severity

  • News Feed

  • Not pleasing interface

  • Suitable for severe weather warnings only

NOAA is the most trustworthy app, but it does not have much of an eye-pleasing interface. Although you can download Apalon’s version of NOAA weather updates that will require some in-app purchases.

4 of 10: Yahoo Weather – Free with no Ads

Are you looking for the best free weather app for the iPhone?  Yahoo Weather is the answer for you.

It has an incredible design, and Yahoo weather app shows great weather predictions, but with some limitations.

Note, that Yahoo weather app is ad-free, so you do not have to worry about wasting your time on ads anymore.

Yahoo weather app is free, so enjoy using it. 

yahoo weather for iphone

Pros & Cons

  • Advertisement free

  • Amazing design

  • Images from Flickr

  • Can be slow at times

  • Few radar options

Yahoo Weather is the best app that anyone can use on their iPhone. Its beautiful design is a must-check for everyone.

5 of 10: Storm Radar – Emergency Alerts

Storm Radar is the best severe weather app for both iPhone and Android users, built by The Weather Channel.

You can know exactly where a storm is, thanks to the fantastic and detailed weather information predicted by the app. See the whole forecast on your fingertips from where the storm is moving to and how it is moving.

Download this premium weather app free of cost from the App store, but it will come with ads. It takes only $1 to make the app ad-free. 

Storm radar for iphone

Pros & Cons

  • Feasibility to check the hurricane moving

  • Detailed information about the hurricane

  • Operates smoothly

  • Upgrade is required 

  • The app is not ad-free

  • Some features require payment

Good app to get quick information about the hurricane coming your way. If you live in an area where storms are frequent, then this app will be good for you.

6 of 10: MyRadar – Weather Radar

My Radar is a great yet simple weather app that shows extraordinary information about the weather around you.

Get instant updates about the changing weather conditions with the help of an animated live radar.  The app is not free and costs about $24.95 for iPhone users.

MyRadar weather radar

Pros & Cons

  • Quick updates

  • Detailed weather updates

  • Animated live radar

  • Expensive

  • Not for beginners

Try out this app only if you understand how radar works. Paying so much for something you do not know about is a waste of money!

7 of 10: Haze – Beautifully Designed

Among the best-designed weather apps such as Solar, Dark Sky & others – Haze stands amongst the top.

Haze is a beautifull designed weather app for iPhone that shows a 5-day forecast along with information related to rain, temperature and others.

If you are looking for the best audiovisual experience, then Haze is undoubtedly the best option for you. It is a standard app with no extraordinary features, but it is still enough to get maximum information on the weather.

Haze is not free, but you can get the app on your iPhone at a minimal cost of $0.99.  

Haze weather app

Pros & Cons

  • Amazing design

  • Simple and user-friendly

  • Quick forecasts

  • No radar

  • No hourly forecasts

Haze is a good option if you want something colorful and attractive, but not adequate for intense weather updates.

8 of 10: iOS Native App – Best for Screen Lock or as a Widget

If you want a free weather app with no ads whatsoever, then Apple’s native app is an excellent option to consider.

Apple’s built-in weather app comes with an appealing widget that shows weather predictions for every hour of the day.  This app takes data from The Weather Channel and does not have a live weather radar to give accurate predictions.

Note, that iOS native app is the best weather widget that you can get on your iPhone.  Despite some lacks in the app, it is still one of the best weather apps for the iPhone.  

ios native weather app

Pros & Cons

  • User-friendly

  • Good widget 

  • Hourly updates

  • No radar

Best for regular weather updates, but don’t expect more from the app.

9 of 10: RadarScope – Best for Advanced Users & Weather Enthusiasts

Are you a serious weather enthusiast?  If you are, then the RadarScope will be the best investment you will make.

It is the best-paid weather app for iPhone that comes with detailed information about weather updates.

Rating this app, the most accurate weather app would not be wrong.  If you want a powerful weather tracking app on your iPhone, then the RadarScope is the best option for you. 

You can download this app for $9.99 with further in-app purchases.

radarscope weather app for iphone

Pros & Cons

  • Radar data with great resolution

  • NEXRAD and TDWR data 

  • Intensive details of severe weather conditions

  • Expensive

Only buy this app if you know what is Coefficient, velocity. The app is not for beginners.

10 of 10: Air Quality by Plume Labs – Best for Allergy Alerts & Outdoorsman

Do you like to go out for a run or a walk? What time will be the best for it?

Many questions come to your mind when considering the weather. Air Quality gives the best weather app alerts about the air quality outside.

This app also indicates air pollution levels for every hour with this app.  The app is free for iPhone with no ads. 

Air Quality by Plume Labs

Pros & Cons

  • Adequate regular air pollution updates

  • Free app

  • No intense weather updates

If you love going out every day, then you can avoid bad weather days with this update. Best for regular use.

Barometric Pressure Headaches: Cause & Treatment

Barometric Pressure Headaches: Cause & Treatment

Quick-Scroll Links

These quick-scroll links will make it easy for you to find something specific relating to barometric pressure headaches.

What is barometric pressure?

What are the symptoms of barometric pressure headaches?

Who suffers from them?

What are the causes?

Treatment & prevention of barometric pressure headaches.

Remedies — Western approaches.

Remedies — Eastern approaches.

Weather gadgets you can use to help predict barometric pressure headaches.


The Short Version:

Barometric pressure headaches are usually caused by a change in pressure. Most of the migraines associated with barometric pressure happen when air pressure drops. That often occurs when:

  • You travel by airplane
  • When the weather changes from “nice weather” to “bad weather”.
  • “Nice weather” is associated with clear skies and calm conditions. “Bad weather” is associated with cloudy skies, windy conditions, wet weather, and colder temperatures.

What Can You Do To Alleviate Barometric Pressure Headaches?

  • Stay hydrated; also avoid diuretics.
  • Use OTC (over-the-counter) medicine.
  • Keep a one-month journal of your symptoms to present to your doctor so he can better asses your condition.

These are just a few common sense recommendations. Read on to learn more detail about barometric pressure headaches.

The Best Storm Chasing Cameras & Accessories

The Best Storm Chasing Cameras & Accessories

Whether you’re a photography or weather nut, getting in amongst the most wild storms in the world can make for an extraordinary experience! But before you head out to some of the best storm chasing spots in the world such as Iceland, the US plains or Thailand, you need to make sure you have some top-notch Storm Chasing camera and equipment to capture those radical moments! 

We’re going to run through some of the best pieces of photography equipment on the market to ensure you’re all set for your storm chasing adventures. But before we do, let’s take a look at what makes for a great photography setup!

Quick-Scroll Links:

Things to Consider for Great Storm Chasing Photography!


For most storm photography, lighting is going to be low when the weather starts to become overcast or if you’re shooting at night. For this, you’ll definitely need a camera that can operate effectively in low light. From a technical perspective that means you’re going to want to go for a camera with a large, high-quality sensor, a high dynamic range, and a high ISO range. 

Putting these together should mean you get a low level of noise on your shots helping to make them crystal clear in darker, and of course well lit, environments. 


Depending on the type of storm you’re planning to shoot will dictate how close or not you can get to it, therefore you need a range of different zoom options in your back pocket. Given the uncertainty and often fast-moving pace of a storm, you’re also going to want some versatility – therefore a varifocal lens, likely between the 20mm-200mm range, is a safe bet. 

On the other hand, if you’re wanting to stay a little further away and capture the size and scale of your storm from a distance, a high quality fixed frame lens around the 10-15mm mark would be ideal. Additional variants here such as a fisheye or wide-angle lens may also be a good idea, depending on the type of photography effects you want to achieve. 


The last thing you want is to miss or ruin your perfect shot due to the elements around you, you need to ensure you have the setup for a precise shot. There’s two things that will help with this, a tripod and a trigger device. 

There’s a range of both handheld and mounted stabilising tripods on the market to assist in keeping the camera stationary and laser focused ensuring you get a great shot. Have a think about whether you’ll be taking photos on the move or setting up in a fixed location and pick the best accordingly. 

There’s also a range of triggering devices that will again allow you to get a shot without any movement interference. For those that like chasing the most extreme weather, there’s also some great lightning triggers on the market which will do all of the shutter timing work for you!

Best High End Storm Chasing Cameras

The staple piece of equipment you’ll need to capture those special storm chasing moments is the camera itself and based on our criteria above, the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV is one of the premier pieces on the market.

Significantly, it has a 30.4 Megapixel Full-frame CMOS Sensor giving you an ISO range between 100 – 32,000 meaning it’s specialised for low light levels! It has a heap of additional features too including LCD touchscreen, 4K Video Recording, subject tracking and connectivity through WiFi and NFC. This really is up there with one of the best, so make sure you check it out!

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For some comparison, we’ve also picked out the Sony α7R IV Full-frame Mirrorless camera another superior model in the camera market! It’s boasts the same ISO range as the Canon as well as an impressive 15-stop3 dynamic range function giving great sensitivity through changing, low light conditions.

Again it comes with all the specs listed above with the Canon but jumps up on the megapixels, being the world’s first 61MP camera. This will mean enhanced clarity within your images and when combining that with the noise reducing super-sensor means you’ll be getting some out of this world snaps!

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Best Budget Storm Chasing Camera

Both the Canon and the Sony listed above are firmly within the best tier of camera you can get for storm chasing, but we appreciate they’re a little pricey! If you want to get into snapping some crazy storms on more of a budget, check these out below…

First, we’ve picked out the Nikon D3500 which is a great choice for those wanting an entry-level storm chasing camera but still a highly professional camera, still sporting great low light level functionality with a 100 – 25,600 ISO range.

It also comes equipped with a 24MP sensor, LCD screen, and 1080p video recording, so you’re getting great quality at a fraction of the premier price!

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For something a little different, you can also take a look at the Fujifilm X-A5 Mirrorless Digital Camera. For those super low levels, this one might not stack up quite as well with an ISO range of up to 6400 but does have an enhanced 24MP sensor and image stabilization technology so will ensure better-lit photos look great!

A unique feature of this Fujifilm is that it has a 180-degree swivel LCD touchscreen, making it super easy for taking high-quality selfies. So for those of you that want to be in the shot alongside an epic weather system, this camera could be the one for you!

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Best Video Camera for Storm Chasing

So most DSLR cameras, including the 4 we’ve shown above, will shoot super high-quality video, but what if you want something a little more mobile or something you can fix to your dashboard whilst chasing the storm in your car?

The GoPro HERO8 is a great addition to your leading setup, giving you a small, compact companion for capturing live footage as you chase those storms. You’re still going to get great 4K, image stabilized video from the 12MP sensor, as well as smart notifications from the LCD screen and cool filing options such as time-lapse!

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Best Storm Chasing Camera Lenses

For those cameras in our high-end range, they won’t come with a lens as part of the purchase and, in truth, all DSLR cameras can interchange lenses, so you’re going to need to have a few different lenses in your setup to hit that zoom requirement we discussed earlier. Here are some of our favorites!

To match with any Canon camera, we suggest this Canon EF-S 10-18mm lens which will be perfect for getting wide-angle, large shots of extreme weather systems.

It also includes Canon’s Optical Image Stabilizer system which provides up to four equivalent stops of shake correction whilst its f 4.5-5.6 aperture delivers reliable, speedy and quiet wide-angle performance.

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When matching with your Sony, why not take a look at the Sony FE 70-300mm lens? If you’re wanting to get a much closer shot, that large mm range will ensure you get all the zoom you need to feel almost inside the storm.

At large zoom, you’ll need even larger stability and Sony’s Optical SteadyShot technology will make for clear images even at the top end. Sony also guarantees the same awesome results when shooting video so you’ll be able to get some great, in-depth footage without compromising on quality!

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Best Budget Storm Chasing Camera Lens

Again if you’re on more of a budget, there are some great options for high-quality camera lenses either from the camera manufacturers themselves, or some independent but compatible independent lens makers.

First, we take a look at this Tamron Auto Focus 70-300mm lens which gives an absolutely massive zoom range supported by stability motors for ultra-sharp clarity.

This particular model is compatible with Nikon cameras but they have models to fit into your Sony, Canon, or Pentax cameras too!

Last update on 2025-01-16

Best Tripod for Storm Chasing Camera (Fixed and Handheld)

Even though most of our cameras and lenses included some stability optimization features, as the weather gets a little more severe or we’re moving around more often, we could do with some help in getting the perfect shot! Here are a few great tripods to help you out.

Our favorite fixed mount tripod was this Vanguard Alta Pro 2+ given its mix of sturdy aluminum construction and functional versatility. Leg angles ranging between 20°, 40°, 60° & 80° all supported by a counterweight attachment means you can get stability for low or high level shots whilst knowing you’ll be rock solid if the winds pick up!

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If you’re in full chase mode, you may need something a little more mobile whilst maintaining great stability, so why not check out this Roxant Pro Video Camera Stabiliser?

It comes with a non-slip grip and adjustable drop-time movement so you have complete control over your dynamic video shots. Roxant is one of the industry leaders in handheld stabilizers are offer lifetime support and guidance with every purchase so you’re in safe hands!

Last update on 2025-01-16

Best tom Chasing Camera/Lightning Triggers for Storm Chasers

Getting the perfect shot is as much about timing and being in the right place as having the best and most expensive equipment. Especially if you’re on a longer expedition or trying to capture split-second moments, it’s hard to stay primed and ready for hours on end. So here are some great triggering devices that can do some of the work for you!

This AmazonBasics Wireless Remote Control Shutter Release is a nifty release that can be used to trigger your shutter without you even having to touch the camera. It’s battery operated and works up to 16ft away with a variety of models for compatibility with different camera manufacturers.

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If you’re looking for something really smart to help you out, take a look at this RemotePlus Smart Camera Trigger from MIPOS. It allows you to manage your camera’s shutter release directly from your smartphone with their connect App or set up for dynamic triggering for events such as lightning, lasers, or sound.

This is especially useful for those lightning shots, with them being some of the most impressive and exciting snaps you can take as a storm chaser. Given their sporadic nature, the RemotePlus does the work for you leaving you with great pictures without the endless waiting around.

Last update on 2025-01-16

Bonus – Best Guides for Storm Chasing

With your equipment setup complete, there’s only one piece of bonus equipment we think you’ll need to get out there storm chasing and that’s a guide to ensure you stay safe and find the best locations for the perfect shots!

We recommend picking up The Complete Guide to Storm Chasing. It is the ideal tutorial for people who are new to storm chasing showing you what you need to know as a chaser, the best tools to use, and how to forecast effectively!

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To finish up, you’re going to be getting out in nature taking in the elements across some breathtaking landscapes all whilst trying to get the perfect shot – juggling all this can be tricky!

So, grab yourself a copy of The Landscape Photography Book by Scott Kelby which will walk you through getting perfect wide-angle landscape and nature shots. It will walk you through all the techniques you need to get breathtaking shots right as the elements are closing in!

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All that leaves us to do is wish you some happy storm-chasing adventures – we hope you get some amazing shots with your very own combination of the best storm-chasing camera and photography gear!


If you love storm chasing take a look then you need a weather station with a lightning detector so you can be sure when a great storm is heading your way!

16 Best Weather Gifts For Geeks, Nerds & Enthusiasts

16 Best Weather Gifts For Geeks, Nerds & Enthusiasts

Have someone in your life who loves the weather, we want to help you pick out the perfect weather gifts for their next big occasion. Whatever the event, we’ve selected some of the best gift options for all types of weather fanatics. So if you’re looking for gifts for weather lovers and meteorology nerds, check them out below!

Quick-Scroll Links:

Best Weather Gifts for Fashion

We kick this off with this White Fluffy Clouds printed t-shirt, a perfect gift for those who truly have their heads in the clouds.

It features a stunning, high-resolution 3D design, making it perfect for leisure wear. It comes in a range of sizes making it a great gift for weather lovers!

Next up is this quirky and funny hat with a cautionary warning to those around that the wearer!

We all know someone who loves talking about the weather, so this is a great gift for them. With the added bonus of warning those around that they’re in for a climate-based chat!

Switching it up slightly, we really like this spiritual sun/moon style necklace. It would make a really cute gift for those who love the weather but want to wear something a little more subtle!

The gold-plated piece comes on an adjustable 18/16″ gold-plated chain with a guarantee from the manufacturer. It will fill the wearer with hope, joy, and happiness.

Last update on 2025-01-16

Best Weather Gifts for Kids

The magic of the weather is enchanting for children (and adults in some cases) and as such, there are some great gifts on the market to help kids get educated.

First of all, this SmartLab Weather Kit, allows any child to begin accurately tracking and learning about the weather.

The kit includes a thermometer, rain gauge, weathervane, compass, anemometer, and a glow-in-the-dark speed indicator. These are all supported by step-by-step experiments to help train those budding meteorologists.

Last update on 2025-01-16

For those kids who like to learn in a slightly different way, we really like ‘The Kids’ Book of Weather Forecasting’ from the Williamson Kids Can! Series.

It includes tons of experiments, observations, and activities. These are perfect for children aged seven to thirteen. Kids will learn how to predict the weather by first understanding the science behind it.

Reduced The Kids' Book of Weather Forecasting (Kids Can!)

Last update on 2025-01-16

Best Gifts for Meteorology

For those a little further along in their weather knowledge, there’s a range of cool gifts to stimulate the mind of an amateur Meteorologist.

This Ambient Weather WS-2902A WiFi weather station is an all-in-one toy for real weather fans. It has sensor arrays to track wind speed/direction, temperature, humidity, rainfall, UV, and solar radiation. it has all you need whilst allowing you to stay connected over WiFi with connections to Alexa and Google.

Last update on 2025-01-16

As with the best kid’s gifts, there’s some great reading out there for all levels of weather interest and knowledge. We think every Meteorologist needs the Meteorology Manual by their side.

Including easy-to-read but detailed explanations and guides to weather system formations and cloud sequences. This is a great book to read but also very useful to keep as a reference long into the future.

Last update on 2025-01-16

Best Weather Gadget Gifts

Being a weather and technology fan go hand-in-hand given the vast array of gadgets on the market to make tracking and monitoring the weather a breeze – here are our favorite two!

A go-to for any weather fan is a rain gauge – we recently took a look at the top rain gauges on the market, and the AcuRite 00899 Wireless Rain Gauge was definitely the best all-rounder!

It has a simple and easy bucket design, can track rain levels in both inches and millimeters, and is supported by a wireless display for monitoring rainfall up to 75m away. This would make a great gift for any budding weather fan!

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If your recipient already has a rain gauge, help them get ahead of the weather with this La Crosse Technology Wireless Forecast Station.

Operating primarily as a standard alarm clock, this forecast station also tracks indoor/outdoor temperature and sunrise/set times. And best of all, it features a quirky central graphic to give forecast predictions. This is a really handy gift with the central forecast picture unique when compared to other products of this type!

Last update on 2025-01-16

Best Gifts for Weather Enthusiasts

Some people out there might just be fascinated with the weather without wanting to get out there and measure or predict it. Here are some gifts for those who love the weather and want some entertainment!

First, we come to this absolute classic from legendary storm chaser Reed Timmer. Reed is famous for his role in the documentary series, Stormchasers. ‘Into the Storm’ details some of his closest encounters with some stories that are guaranteed to frighten and amaze in equal measure!

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For something a little more lighthearted and fun, you can never go wrong with a simple mug!

This is the perfect gift for any amateur weather fans as well as your more professional weather lovers. It’s super high quality too, able to withstand the elements of your dishwasher, microwave, and of course, your strongest coffee!

Last update on 2025-01-16

Best Weather Gifts for the House

Whilst we all want to keep the elements on the outside of our homes, those who are mad about the weather live and breathe it both inside and outside! Here are some lovely additions you can gift to someone’s home with a personal touch.

Firstly, we really like this beautifully designed Automaton Bite 1682 Meteorology Black Gold Wall Clock. Made with a mixture of wood, stainless steel, and copper, this clock doesn’t simply tell the time…

It also has the functionality to track the atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity. This means you can easily predict the weather changes from the comfort of your sitting room. Engrave it with a custom message to really make it a special gift for your loved one.

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If you’re looking for something a little more retro to gift for someone’s home or office space, why not check out this Patent Earth Barometer print?

A real nod to older times of weather measurement. This print is available in a wide variety of colors and sizes. The sizes range from 5″x 7″ all the way up to 24″x 36″. So if your gift recipient needs something weather-themed to finish off a space in their home, then this is perfect!

Best Weather Gifts for the Garden

We’ve already taken a look at some technical weather-measuring gifts for the garden, but there’s a wide range of decorative and ornamental pieces you can line a garden with whilst showing a passion for the weather.

First up, we’ve picked out our favorite wind chime, the BlessedBird 4 Tube Wind Chime. As we all know, wind chimes are fantastic additions to the garden and make being outside, enjoying the weather, that little bit more special. We like the bird theme of this one, which can really help your recipient get in touch with nature!

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Staying on the wind vein, another classic weather-related gift is a weathervane. These make a lovely addition to a garden either atop your house or an outbuilding such as a shed. However, it can be mounted pretty much anywhere.

This particular model from SWEN is made of highly durable stainless steel. It has a tasteful sun-shaped design and a nice copper-coloured coating. You can also find many different design styles such as airplanes or a range of different animals.

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Lastly, we’ve found a great gift to let every guest in your garden know you’re a real weather/meteorology fan!

This Meteorologist Street sign would be a perfect addition to any picket fence, gate, shed, or wall around your garden. It’s perfect for letting all the recipient’s friends know about their passion. It’s made of weatherproof plastic and comes with 4 holes already drilled, so you can easily install it.

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That brings us to the end of our look at some of the best weather gifts found online. We hope you’ve found the perfect gift for your recipient and can thoroughly surprise them on their next big occasion!

5 Reasons Why You Need to Monitor Concrete Conditions to Avoid Concrete Cracking (2020)

5 Reasons Why You Need to Monitor Concrete Conditions to Avoid Concrete Cracking (2020)

What is Cracked Concrete?

Concrete is one of the most durable products that you can use around your house. However, this statement only remains valid IF you use it properly. Seeing wide or narrow concrete cracking can be troublesome, but you can avoid it by directly paying attention to minor details. 

Concrete cracking happens mostly due to temperature change, uneven loads, thawing, or freezing. You might start to witness wide or narrow (hairline) cracks on concrete, commonly known as concrete cracking.

In this post, you will learn more details about what Concrete Cracking is, why it happens and what measures you need to take to prevent it. You will also find out a weather instrument that will help you with solving the problem.

Apart from the reasons mentioned above, concrete cracking might also happen because of:

  • shrinkage
  • chemical reactions
  • constructional movement
  • evaporation rate 
  • other reasons. 

Common types of concrete cracks

common concrete crack

The most common type of concrete cracks are:

  1. Concrete Cracks by Plastic Shrinkage
  2. Settling Concrete Cracks  
  3. Concrete Cracks due to Load
  4. Heavy Concrete Cracks 
  5. Expansion Concrete Cracks

Why does Concrete Cracking Take Place?

No matter if you see concrete cracks in floors, concrete cracks in the driveway, concrete cracks in walls, or concrete cracks in patio – you can control concrete cracking by paying attention to the below-mentioned reasons.  

Reason #01: Water Excess in the Mix

excess water in concrete mix

Water can be the main force of shrinkage in concrete. 

Concrete does not require much water to prepare its mix for installation. However, many times excess water added to the concrete results in the evaporation of mixing water during the drying phase. 

Concrete can shrink up to ½ inch per 100 feet, which is why it is necessary to limit water in the concrete mix. The forces in the concrete mix are so strong that they leave cracks in it. 

Try to avoid adding excess water in concrete to avoid cracks in it. 

Reason #02: Rapid Concrete Drying 

You might witness plastic shrinkage cracks if the concrete dries up very quickly. It is because the concrete is not able to gain enough tensile strength that leads to cracking. So, we can say that another reason for concrete cracks is its rapid drying. To further understand it, you must know that concrete dries out due to a reaction that takes place in it. 

You need to add an adequate amount of water to concrete. The reaction that takes place transforms the concrete from liquid to solid-state. 

Concrete drying can go on for days, but you need to make sure that you have added enough water in the concrete mixture to cure the slab. If the concrete dries out before time, you can witness concrete cracking. 

Reason #03: Wrong Strength Concrete Poured In 

Cracks on a concrete slab might also be due to pouring wrong concrete strength on the slab. If you are using a ready mix concrete, then you must confirm concrete strength from the supplier. 

Concrete comes in various strengths, and you must know which strength you are pouring in. If you put in improper concrete strength, then the cracks are imminent. 

Reason #04: Lack of Concrete Joints

concrete joints

One way to protect cracks in the concrete slabs is by placing the concrete joints in the slab. However, if there are not enough concrete joints, then concrete cracking occurs. It is placing concrete joints in the slab that protects concrete from random cracking; you should do this at predetermined locations. 

Reason #05: Pouring Concrete on Frozen Ground

Never pour concrete on frozen ground! 

There are many reasons for it. First of all, the frozen ground only settles upon thawing. Hence, the concrete cracks can occur. Also, when the ground is cold, the concrete might not set as rapidly as it does. The surface sets in, but the inside of the concrete may remain soft.

Methods to Prevent Concrete Cracking

concrete cracking

If you are witnessing cracks in the concrete, do not worry – you can fix it. 

The concrete cracks are unbearable, especially when they are ruining your house’s look. Concrete cracks in fountain, driveway, or anywhere else can catch anybody’s attention, so try to get rid of them as fast as you can. 

There are many ways to prevent concrete cracking. We start by providing a solution to the reasons mentioned above. To summarize, the main reasons for concrete cracking are:

  1. Water Excess in the Mix
  2. Rapid Concrete Drying 
  3. Wrong Strength of Concrete Poured
  4. Lack of Concrete Joints
  5. Pouring Concrete on Frozen Ground

If you are facing concrete cracks, then try to mitigate the five issues listed above.

Method #01: Stop Pouring in Excess Water in the Concrete Mix 

You must confirm from your contractor how much water he poured in the concrete mix. Make sure to hire a reliable contractor who knows these things very well.

Method #02: Concrete Curing 

Curing is one of the methods to stop your concrete mix from rapid drying. This method helps in retaining the concrete’s moisture to let it have enough strength. It also helps in delaying shrinkage in the concrete. Here is how you can cure concrete in simple ways. 

  • You can cure concrete with the help of mist, flooded, or ponded spray. These help with preventing mix water evaporation. 
  • You can cover concrete with wet burlap, sand, canvas, or straw. Make sure the covering is damp at all times during curing. 
  • You can also place plastic film seal or waterproof paper on hard concrete to help it resist cracking. Plastic films might cause discoloration, so place them wisely.
  • You can make a proper chemical application as soon as the concrete is done. Make sure to contact your flooring contractor before doing it as the process can affect the adherence effect of your flooring. 

Method #03: Contact Your Supplier in regards to Concrete Strength 

concrete strength checking

Contact local state concrete associations to get your hands on the first-hand knowledge about concrete strength. Once you have it, make sure to communicate it with your contractor. Hire a reliable contractor to avoid these issues. 

Method #04: Place Enough Control Joints

worker pouring concrete

Having enough control joints in concrete allows movements due to temperature changes inside the concrete. It would help if you decided where you place the control joints in the concrete. Note that concrete cracks might still take place, but these will be in straight lines rather than randomly.

The joints should be the same as the slab and should be about 2-3 times (in feet) of the concrete thickness in inches. Also, cut the joints as much as 25% of the slab depth. You can use grooving tools to cut joints in fresh concrete; whereas, a saw might be a better option to cut joints when the concrete is hard. 

Method #05: Place Concrete on Compact Ground

Here comes another essential method to help you place the concrete slab without any cracks. One cannot wait for the hot weather to install the concrete, so what can we do? Soil thawing. No matter if you have to install concrete in cold weather, you can do so but with many precautions. 

As beginners, many people don’t know that there is a base below slab that plays a critical role in installing the concrete. This base acts as a foundation and is called the ‘soil support system.’ When the soil is cold, the concrete takes more time to harden. 

hand in the snow

Pouring concrete on a cold soil looks time-saving, but it can cost you a lot of money and efforts in the future. It’s better to take necessary measures now, then taking them in the future. Here is how you can thaw the ground.

  • Hydronic Heaters: It uses a pump to run heating fluid through rubber tubes. The whole tube structure is laid out on the surface to be thawed. Although it is a good method, it does not give proper insulation against heat and takes much time to set up.
  • Heated Enclosures: A heated enclosure is built over the surface to be thawed. This method is used with other thawing methods. One downfall of this method is that it can start heating the surroundings as well instead of focus on the surface.
  • Drilling Holes: Many times, contractors dig in holes into the ground and fill it with hot water or steam. It takes a lot of effort and excess of water on the pour site, which can slow down the thawing process. 
  • Fire: Propane torches or fire can be used on the pour site; however, it might not give enough heat to the thawing surface. Also, this method is not safe in winter. 
  • Insulation: Placing an insulating blanket might also help thaw the ground through geothermal forces. This method is sufficiently efficient, but not be helpful in extreme weather conditions. 
  • Heated Ground Thaw Blanket: Thawing ground through electrically powered heating is the best method. It gives proper insulation, provides sufficient heat to the ground, and is safe in cold weather. 
Pro Tip: Even though the prevention mentioned above methods are effective, what if you wouldn’t have to do any of this work and still avoid concrete cracking? Well, it is possible – thanks to the Kestrel 5200 or Kestrel Concrete Pro Jobsite Weather Kit. Kestrel 5200 is the best product for construction use. It helps in calculating the rate of evaporation through the built-in American Concrete Institute Evaporation Rate nomograph that measures the condition of the pout site. All you have to do is enter the temperature; then, the device displays all the necessary information required to install an adequate concrete mixture on the location.

You can easily prevent cracks from happening on the concrete slab. Apart from that, the device also measures:

  • Air Density
  • Humidity Ratio
  • Heat Stress Index, and much more. 

So, besides an essential tool that helps you avoiding concrete cracks, you’ll also have a complete pocket weather station.

You can also get a Kestrel Concrete Pro Jobsite Weather Kit that includes Kestrel 5200 with LiNK, rotating vane mount, protective hard carrying case, and portable mini tripod & extension rod. 

Kestrel Concrete Pro Jobsite Weather Kit

Having everything in your hands gives you the necessary measurements to prevent concrete cracks pretty quickly. The kit is lightweight and does not take much space. With the LiNK technology in the device, you can get all the readings on your mobile phone. You can also set up customizable alerts on your phone for any changes in the weather condition. 

Instead of fixing the cracks, try preventing it with professional help. 


How to Fix Concrete Cracks 

Cracks can either be very big or narrow, so if you see any – do not worry; you can fix it! 

A “caulk-style concrete repair compound can fix hairline cracks. Such as cracks in a concrete slab.” On the other hand, if there are large cracks in the wall, then you can stick to the “epoxy injection kit” to fix it. 

How to Fix a Crack in Concrete Driveway

avoid concrete cracking

Follow these simple steps: 

  • Hairline cracks in the concrete can be treated with a “caulk-style concrete repair compound.” These compounds are the best to use for narrow cracks as it is affordable and easy to use. You can buy them from any home improvement store. 
  1. Take a wire brush and clean out any debris in the loose concrete area. 
  2. Clean out any remaining dust particles in the crack through vacuum or sweep. 
  3. Fill the crack with epoxy concrete crack repair
  4. Smooth out the surface through a putty knife and cure the surface for about 4-6 hours. 

How to Repair Concrete Walls with Cracks

If you are witnessing wide cracks in the wall, then you can quickly fix them by following this simple technique. 

  • The epoxy for repairing concrete cracks is the perfect solution for wide cracks. Buy 2-part epoxy that comes with a nozzle to fill the cracks. 
  1. Take a wire brush and clean all the debris from the area. Use a blow-dry to clean all the residual debris in and around the crack.
  2. In the next step, attach the 10d nails in the crack within 12-inch distance. 
  3. Once the ports are attached, remove the nails from the crack. Do this before pouring epoxy in the crack. 
  4. Take the 2-part epoxy and spread it over the crack & injection ports’ bases. 
  5. Wait 6 hours. Fixing requires about 4-6 hours before filling the injection ports. 
  6. Use a saw to cut out the injection ports’ necks after 5 days. Patch the cuts after cutting the neck. 

These are some of the most popular fixes that you can try with wide and narrow cracks. So, do not forget to use them if none of the prevention methods work for concrete cracks.  

Repair Products for Concrete Cracking 

Once you know how to fix the cracks, the next thing you should know about the products to fill the cracks. Here are the top 5 top filler for concrete cracks. 

PC Concrete Double Action Epoxy Adhesive for Crack Repair 

PC Concrete Double Action Epoxy Adhesive

Are you looking for the best crack fillers? The epoxy adhesive is the best option for you. PC Concrete is a famous name in the industry, which is why you can trust this brand without any problem. Also, this crack filler works fine even with massive cracks. Don’t worry about the cracks opening up again or losing their durability.

Top Features:
  • Best to fill vertical cracks in the concrete
  • It has shown proven results on damp site
  • The best product for both indoor and outdoor cracks
  • The concrete crack repair takes about four hours to fix the cracks

Pros & Cons

  • The adhesive is the best moisture resistant Natural expansion or contraction do not affect it
  • It is an expensive product It takes much time to squeeze out the adhesive from the tube
This adhesive is the best for vertical application, so do not try it on horizontal cracks. Also, if the crack is in a fountain or any other wet area, then consider this adhesive to do the job correctly.

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Red-Devil Concrete Patch (Pre-mixed Formula)

One of the best products to repair concrete cracks is the amazing Red Devil Concrete Patch. This product is surprisingly good for holes or cracks, and it is easy to use.

Red-Devil Concrete Patch
Top Features:
  • Easy to use 
  • Has a concrete texture
  • Water-based

Pros & Cons

  • No shrinkage is seen after drying Easy to clean up Ready to use
  • Not ideal for driveways Might not be the perfect option for very large cracks

Red Devil 0644 Pre-Mix Concrete Patch comes ready-to-use. So, anyone can use easily use it without any issues.

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Rust-Oleum EpoxyShield Concrete Patch and Repair

Rust-Oleum EpoxyShield Concrete Patch and Repair

Another great product to hide cracks is the Rust-Oleum EpoxyShield Concrete Patch and Repair. It is one of the best products to get rid of ugly cracks on driveways, walls, or other places. This adhesive does not take much time to prepare. You can get rid of cracks pretty quickly with this instant solution.

Top Features:
  • Safe to use 
  • Comes in 24oz container
  • Only takes 8 hours to cure
  • Also, repair cracks on masonry

Pros & Cons

  • Fast curing Affordable product Bearable odor No shrinkage upon weather changes
  • Leaves a glossy texture on the surface Works best for indoors only

It is one of the best products to repair cracks, but keep in mind that it might not work with the cracks in the driveway, fountain, or other outdoor areas. Although it is not very expensive, you can use this product for all the cracks around your house.

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Sashco 16210 Slab Concrete Crack Repair Sealant 

Sashco 16210 Slab Concrete Crack Repair Sealant 

There might be a lot of concrete crack fill options, but only a few are the best ones. If you want to repair concrete cracks without any hassle, then get the Sashco crack repair sealant today. This crack repair sealant helps in closing cracks and stopping them from absorbing the moisture. 

Top Features:
  • Gives grayish concrete finish 
  • Has watery texture
  • Made of acrylic latex 
  • Can repair up to 3-inch-wide cracks

Pros & Cons

  • Easily blend with concrete The flexible material and does not break off upon changing weather conditions It is also suitable for indoor use Ideal to be used in places with heavy vehicular traffic
  • Should not be applied during the wet season Takes up to 3 days for curing and drying

Even though it is an expensive option and some might find it difficult to wait for 2 days for it to dry, but if you can compromise on these two flaws, then this is the best product that you can invest.

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EZR-Hairline Crack Sealer 

EZR-Hairline Crack Sealer 

Are you looking for a crack filler for the hairline cracks? EZR Hairline Crack Sealer is at your service. Please do not underestimate the hairline cracks as it can go deep and absorb the moisture that can ultimately damage the surface of the concrete. If you see a hairline crack, then fill in concrete cracks with this crack sealer and get rid of them easily.

Top Features:
  • Can be used anywhere in the house
  • It consists of pinpoint top to fill cracks easily
  • It dries very quickly and is sun resistant 

Pros & Cons

  • It is extremely thin and suitable for tiny cracks as well Gives a clear finish Can be used on asphalt, porcelain, and other surfaces as well
  • It is not highly durable Customers complain about missing pinpoint top

This adhesive is the best for hairline cracks, but not more than that. If you see any wide cracks in your house, then this crack sealer might not be the best for you.

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Concrete cracks are not the ideal situation, and nobody likes to see their floor, driveway, fountain, or walls opened up in an ugly way. However, if this ever happens, do not worry. There are many products along with methods and fixes that you can try to get rid of concrete cracks. 

I hope this article helps you find a solution related to concrete cracks. Try the fixes mentioned above and enjoy crack free flooring for the rest of your life!

Books About Weather and Science

Books About Weather and Science

Books about weather are among the best gifts you can give to a weather geek. Although most of them already know how the weather works, they will love to have it for their collection or additional knowledge.

Books about the weather can also be an excellent present for yourself if you want to learn how the weather works. Here’re some books about the weather.

Cosmos by Carl Sagan

Cosmos by Carl Sagan is one of the bestselling science books of all time.

In a realistic sequence, Sagan reveals a precious blue world inhabited by a life form that is just beginning to discover its own identity and venture into the vast ocean of space.

Cosmos retraces the fourteen billion years of cosmic evolution that have transformed matter into consciousness, exploring such topics as the origin of life, the human brain, Egyptian hieroglyphics, spacecraft missions, the death of the Sun, the evolution of galaxies, and the forces and individuals who helped to shape modern science.

This is a great book for newbies to understand how the universe started before learning how weather works and the physics behind it.

Weather by Seymour Simon

Weather by Seymour Simon is an essential book about the weather that’s perfect for newbies. You will learn about the weather and enjoy learning about it at the same time.

This book about the weather can be used to teach children too.

Ever wonder what makes the wind blow? Or where clouds come from, or rain? Every day you experience weather, but why do you experience the weather you do? Explore weather, a subject that changes every day, with award-winning science writer Seymour Simon.

Weather A Concise Introduction

Weather: A Concise Introduction is from a great team at the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington, Seattle.

Weather: A Concise Introduction is an easy-going and beautifully illustrated book about weather covering the foundations of meteorology in a brief, clear, and engaging manner. It is tailored to provide readers with a strong foundation in the processes taking place in the atmosphere.

This book features a single case study of a mid-latitude cyclone which is referred to throughout the whole book to explain the basic principles driving atmospheric activities.

This is an ideal textbook for university students because the progression of the topics will help you understand meteorology better.

Weather for Dummies

Weather For Dummies is a book about weather, written by the award-winning science writer John D. Cox. He brought the science of meteorology down to earth with the help of cool maps and charts and extraordinary photographs of weather conditions.

What’s going on up there when the rain falls, when the wind blows, when the clouds roll in, or when the lightning flashes? How do hurricanes arise, and how do tornadoes form? Why do seasonal conditions sometimes vary so much from one year to the next? These are some of the exciting things you will learn as you read this great book about weather.

Eric Sloane's Weather Book

Eric Sloane’s Weather Book is a book about the weather that explains the whys and wherefores of climate and weather forecasting — and does it interestingly.

With humor and common sense shining through in a book that’s also lively and informative, Sloane shows readers how to predict the weather by “reading” such natural phenomena as winds, skies, and animal sounds.

This beautifully illustrated and practical treasure trove of climate lore will enlighten outdoorsmen, farmers, sailors, and anyone else who has ever wondered what a massive halo around the moon means, why birds “sit it out” before a storm, and whether or not to take an umbrella when leaving the house.

Understanding Weather & Climate, Global Edition
Understanding Weather & Climate, Global Edition

Understanding Weather & Climate, Global Edition is a book about weather written by Ed Aguado and Jim Burt. They have a way of writing that makes it much easier to learn the basics about the weather and climate change.

This book about the weather has an integrated approach, avoiding many complicated equations. This book gives a great overview of the weather with accompanying videos and interactive learning tools to enhance the learning experience.

This book illustrates meteorology and climatology using everyday occurrences and inspired technology tutorials to engage students in learning about atmospheric processes and patterns.

4 Best Barometric Pressure Reader

4 Best Barometric Pressure Reader

Whatever your reason for needing a barometric pressure reader, you’re in the right place. Maybe you’re a sufferer of barometric pressure headaches… (sorry, I know they suck!). Maybe you’re into fishing or some other relevant sport.

The good news is that there is a pretty wide variety of devices that can help you out. Barometric pressure reader, pressure monitor, weather station — whatever you want to call them.

At A Glance: Barometric Pressure Reader

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Below are some recommendations for you, depending on your needs. You’ll find things from a fully-featured weather station that includes a barometric pressure gauge, to beautiful antiques, globes, anemometers, and more. Feel free to use these quick-scroll links to skip ahead to a section:

AcuRite Weather Station With Barometric Pressure

Globe Barometer Glass

Antique Design Ambient Weather WS-YG315

Trac Fishing Barometer

Without further ado, let’s get into some options!

AcuRite 02008A1: Weather Station With Barometric Pressure Reader & More

The AcuRite 02008A1 is a wireless weather station with a bunch of extra useful features, including measuring barometric pressure. This station has a digital LCD-colored display where it shows the current barometric pressure, temperature, humidity, date, and time.

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It can also keep track of barometric activity for a selected period. Its Barometric Pressure History Chart displays a graph of the historical barometric pressure changes.

This is one of the more expensive choices for a tool that monitors barometric pressure, but there are a number of reasons why it could be worth its price tag. It is very feature-rich: color LED displays with the forecast, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure along, and more. As far as weather stations go, the dark theme looks pretty nice too. Acurite is a super reputable brand in this field, so you can feel confident that this will be a one-off cost. It’s a durable and long-lasting device that has every feature that you might need.

Final things worth pointing out: it generates self-calibrating forecasting every 12 to 24 hours, has easily adjustable brightness, and it is very easy to set up at home yourself.

Dimensions8″ x 7″ x 3″
DesignTabletop of wall mounted
Wireless Range330 ft.
InclusionsDigital weather station display, wireless Temperature and Humidity Sensor, tabletop stand, AC power adapter, instruction manual

Pros & Cons


  • Multitasking
  • Very high quality
  • Adjustable brightness
  • Focused sensor
  • Extremely easy setup
  • Replaceable battery
  • Large Bright and colorful screen

  • Expensive
This is a great device to buy – although quite expensive it can easily replace your usual clocks and upgrade your decoration standards along with providing useful details of weather, temperature, and humidity. It’s quite costly but it serves its purpose pretty well.

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Related Article: Barometric Pressure Headaches: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Globe Glass Barometric Pressure Reader

This Globe Barometer Glass is a simple and straightforward gadget to measure barometric pressure. All you have to do is add colored distilled water, and it is good to go. Changes in barometric pressure can be observed in the level of water in its spout.

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A low water level indicates “High Pressure” which means fair weather, while a High water level indicates “Low Pressure” which means bad weather.

Along with being a barometer glass, it brings along many other perks as well. Being a little fancy and decorative contributes to your interior ambiance. The round globe structure is fascinating; it is sure to attract some attention from your guests! Also, it can be a very thoughtful and attractive gift to someone. It’s neither too expensive nor is it something that needs to be thrown away when it stops working – because it can still be used as a showpiece. 

The only thing that’s missing in this product is glass-etching which would have added a lot of beauty to its look (though admittedly, this would increase the price too).

This device is basically a liquid barometer. It measures air pressure inside the liquid in the bottle to detect the weather conditions outside.

DesignGlobe with world
map etching
InclusionsDrip cup

Pros & Cons


  • Gorgeous look
  • Precise pressure indication
  • Best for interior decoration
  • Wallet-Friendly

  • Glass is not etched
  • It comes without instructions
It serves two-in-one purposes decoration and detection of weather conditions at a very reasonable price. It gets delivered with two forecast bottles, one Blue water-soluble pigment, and one red pigment-soluble pigment. If you are specifically looking for a liquid barometer, this would be a good choice.

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Ambient Weather WS-YG315

This exquisitely handcrafted weather instrument from Ambient Weather measures barometric pressure, temperature, and humidity. It’s a traditional piece that makes excellent decorative art for a library, beautiful study, office, or even a restaurant.

Last update on 2025-01-16

For an accurate barometric reading, it is advised that you lightly tap the glass near the center brass to overcome any friction that may affect accuracy, especially during slow air pressure changes. For barometer calibration, feel free to check the Ambient Weather WS-YG315 Manual.

This beautiful traditional cherry finish dial can be a perfect addition to your home, office, library, study room, or anywhere else. Maybe even a laboratory! It’s an old-school handcrafted traditional barometer that would be appreciated wherever gets placed. It comes with an assured warranty of 1 year.

It detects temperature, pressure, and humidity. It comes with three pressure gauges – each one representing a different factor. The first dial at the top is a thermometer that is used to measure temperature. However, it is not as accurate as the bulb thermometers used to measure the temperature of the body, but it works fine.

The second pressure gauge from the top is a hygrometer which is used to measure humidity. It is often discussed that the humidity is not as much use as the temperature and other factors but it can be helpful for the detection of molds. High humidity leads to the growth of molds and the prior detection of which is a +1. Although the hygrometer almost takes an hour to reach the level of accuracy, it’s still very helpful, and more accurate than other methods.

The third pressure gauge at the bottom is – you guessed it the barometer. The reason why it features in this article! It is an aneroid barometer that is used to measure air pressure which ultimately detects weather conditions.

The Trac Fishing Barometer Reader

The Trac Fishing Barometer is ideal for tracking pressure for fishing success; however, this is also a great gadget to bring with you anywhere to monitor barometric pressure. It has a color-coded dial that indicates typical weather conditions for tremendous or poor fishing. This gadget is easy to calibrate for local barometric pressure.

Last update on 2025-01-16

Obviously, as you may deduce from the name, this option is best for those who need to measure barometric pressure specifically for the purposes of fishing. There’s not much more to be said on this, other than a reminder that you don’t need to be into fishing to utilize this device. You can simply use it as a portable option for measuring barometric pressure on the go.

One of the specific features of this option is that it’s waterproof. Ready to be used near the sea, rivers, lakes, ponds, and so on. It can easily withstand the splashing of water and will continue working perfectly. Although I wouldn’t necessarily recommend you try it, much like I wouldn’t recommend submerging a waterproof smartphone for no reason… it does actually float. Neat! No problems retrieving it if you drop it out of a boat or something. Probably…

Dimensions4″ x 1.8″ x 5″
Weight1.2 lbs
MaterialSure-grip ABS plastic housing, braided lanyard

Pros & Cons


  • Colour display with segmented zones
  • Completely waterproof
  • The aperture makes it float in case of an accident dripping
  • Adjustable pressure change indicator

  • Needs reset every time it’s turned off
This is one of the amazing devices suitable for fishing specifically. It is pocket-friendly and worth carrying for fishing.

Check Latest Price


Final Words:

There are a number of barometer readers available in the market to measure barometric pressure, and all of them can be used for different purposes successfully as per the available budget. Don’t compromise with what you pay, choose the best one wisely.


Autumn Weather Phenomena

Autumn Weather Phenomena

It is easy to understand why many people would list autumn weather as their favorite time of the year. Although by outward appearance, Nature seems to simply be preparing for the big sleep of winter, there is a lot going on during the autumn months.

In agricultural communities, autumn is the season of harvest.

The crops have been tended since planting in the spring, irrigated and cultivated through the long, hot summer, and it is finally time to enjoy the fruits of those long months of labor. Many of the great fall festivals, like Oktoberfest in its many forms and the American Traditional Thanksgiving Feast, are harvest celebrations.

On the sporting front, all those summer evenings spent cheering for your favorite baseball club eventually climax in the Fall Classic of the World Series, and Football stretches from the sweaty, dehydrating workouts of training camp in the late summer, through the autumn weekends, and will have its dramatic wrap-up during the first cold of the early winter. For outdoor sportsmen, the wildlife who gave birth has had all winter to grow healthy on the abundant plant growth through the summer months and is now at its fattest and healthiest stage of the year. Most deer species go into the rut during this time of year when the healthiest males are best equipped to pass their genes to the next generation. This time of year while the whole game animal population is at its peak of health when hunters go into the woods, hoping to harvest a freezer full of meat for the lean months ahead.

What Causes Fall?

Autumn Weather Phenomena 03 | WeatherStationary

Autumn is a time of transition between the warmth of summer and the cold of winter, which makes the concept of Indian Summer all the more precious. European immigrants named the phenomena for the North American Indians whose land they were settling, elsewhere it is known as “altweibersommer” (Old women’s summer), or “gypsy summer”. Although The Old Farmer’s Almanac has tried to tie Indian Summer to the calendar, saying “If All Saints’ (November 1) brings out winter, St. Martin’s (November 11) brings out Indian summer,” the condition is better described as a period of warm weather which occurs after the first hard frost of the season. While the killing frost signals the end of the gardening season, it also triggers a number of other seasonal biological changes.

The drop in daily average temperature we notice in the autumn is a result of shortening daylight hours. This occurs because the axes upon which the planet Earth spins is set at an angle relative to the path the planet travels around the Sun. At the Winter and Summer Solstice, the South pole (during the Northern winter) or the North Pole (during Northern Summer) is pointed directly at the Sun at a tilt of 23°. At the Spring and Autumnal Equinox, the tilt is perpendicular to the Sun.

The tilt away from the Sun as the Sun moves from Autumnal Equinox to the Winter Solstice is the reason for the shorter daylight hours and shorter days also mean that the Sun does not have as long to heat the Earth’s surface.

Many people say that the Equinox is the beginning of autumn, but when you begin to see the signs of fall will depend on upon conditions in your local region. The days actually begin getting shorter after the summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, and when you see the signs of autumn will depend upon how far North you are as well as your elevation above sea level.

Winter is Coming

Autumn Weather Phenomena 02 | WeatherStationary

One important phenomenon associated with the change in the color of fall foliage. Although many plants simply die with the coming of winter, deciduous trees have evolved a strategy of dropping their leaves and going into a dormant state until spring. When the spring brings more sunlight and higher temperatures, new leaves filled with chlorophyll provide energy for the tree to flower, and grow fruit and seeds, as well as woody growth as the tree increases in size. At the end of the growing season, rather than spend the energy to keep the leaves alive the tree simply lets them die and fall off, knowing that newer, stronger ones will grow in the spring.

The spectacular yellow and orange hues we associate with autumn are actually present in the leaf all the time in the form of carotenoids. These compounds are masked by chlorophyll. The deep green of the chlorophyll is used to convert water and carbon dioxide into the simple sugars which feed the tree. As daily temperatures drop, the veins in the leaf which carry water to the chlorophyll are blocked, and as the green fades, the carotenoids become visible. Other colors, such as reds and purples, occur as the sugar-making process, which requires a great deal of phosphate, breaks down. As the phosphates break down, pigments called anthocyanins are formed. These are the same pigments that are present in cranberries, red apples, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, and plums.


One commonly accepted sign that autumn is coming to a close and that winter is about to arrive is the first heavy snowfall of the season. Like the other signs of autumn we have discussed, snowfall depends upon several factors, including how far north a certain location is, the altitude, and the weather patterns that particular year. Snow is made up of individual crystals of frozen water and most precipitation throughout the year begins as snowflakes.

When water vapor in the air rises through the atmosphere, the vapor and the air carrying it cool with the increase in altitude. When the temperature drops to the dew point, the moisture begins to condense on dust particles carried in the air.

As the air continues to rise and the temperature drops further, the super-cooled moisture clinging to the particle begins to crystallize. The crystalline structure of the snowflake means it will be relatively light for the space it occupies, but eventually, enough ice will form that the flake will begin to fall toward the earth.

For most of the year, as the flakes fall they go through warmer air causing the ice crystals to melt. The melted crystal will usually continue to fall as liquid rain, although during a thunderstorm it may be blown several times back to a higher altitude where it refreezes to form a hailstone. During the late autumn and winter months, the entire air column is often cold enough that the frozen water remains in crystalline form until it reaches the ground. Since the crystal is so light compared to a denser water drop, the flakes may be blown by the wind into drifts. The longer snow sits on the ground without melting, the denser it becomes as the crystal is crushed by its own weight and the weight of the snowflakes on top of it.

The presence of snow contributes to the coldness of the territory since the energy from the sun during the shorter daylight hours in late autumn weather is reflected away rather than absorbed by the underlying ground.

Travel On Autumn Weather

Travel in the months between the heat of summer and the bitter cold of winter has its own cautions and considerations. Motorists especially need to keep in mind the shortening of daylight hours. Twilight comes earlier, and one of the effects of Indian Summer is an increased haziness due to high atmospheric pressures and the lack of wind. This can play havoc on a driver’s visibility.

As the days get shorter the ground absorbs less heat from the sun, and overnight temperatures can drop to the dew point earlier, and continue to fall until the frost point. Road surfaces that have not been cleaned may have a slight covering of oil and dirt, and combined with frosty conditions can make traction questionable in the early morning hours. Crossing mountain passes this time of year calls for extra caution and planning because of the danger of a sudden snowstorm.


For centuries of human existence, autumn has signaled the need to be prepared for the coming winter. Crops had to be harvested and stored, hunters needed to gather and process meat, and individual homesteads needed to put in a supply of firewood to get through the winter. The same attitude should be part of an autumn traveler’s plans. During the hour before and after sunset, try to stay off the road when visibility is at its worst. Keep supplies in your vehicle in case you become stuck, in fact, carrying some extra snacks is a good idea for air travel as well because a late autumn blizzard at one hub can affect the entire system.

Everyone Talks About the Autumn Weather…

The dog days of summer inevitably give way to the darkness and cold of winter, just as winter fades into the glorious rebirth of spring. A terrific way to appreciate the progression of the seasons is to observe your local conditions using weather-measuring instruments. Mounting a weather station sensor suite outside is a simple addition to your other autumn weather chores, and being able to track daily conditions as they change can be a lot of fun. As winter approaches and you are better used to watching conditions, you will be better able to predict weather changes that will affect your family and their safety. You can even make your station part of a personal weather station network which will help to predict storm patterns and tornado conditions.

A home weather station like the AcuRite 01024 Pro Weather Station system gives your family scientific-grade instrumentation which can be connected to your PC and the Internet. The sensor suite is relatively simple to set up, and a wireless connection to the base station means that it will be effortless to connect. The Oregon Scientific WMR200a is a more expensive yet classic, versatile, and expandable system that can grow with your interest in weather monitoring. The separate sensors mean more complexity in setup but allow for easier maintenance and more accuracy in readings.

What Have You Learned | WetaherStationary
  • Autumn means shorter days, cooling temperatures, harvest, hunting, and football.
  • The phenomenon of Indian Summer is a period of warm weather after the first killing frost of the year.
  • The seasonal temperature drop is due to the shorter days which are the result of the Northern Hemisphere being tilted away from the sun.
  • The spectacular display of fall foliage results from tree leaves ceasing the production of chlorophyll. The tree is preparing to enter a dormant state during the winter months, and will not need the energy provided by the leaves until spring.
  • Snowflakes form in clouds year-round, but during late autumn weather and winter, the air at ground level is cool enough for the flake to remain frozen until it hits the ground rather than melting to become a raindrop.
  • During the autumn weather months, travelers need to be prepared for shorter daylight hours, icy road conditions, and rapidly changing weather conditions.
  • Despite the cooling temperatures and less predictable conditions, it is easy to understand why autumn weather is the favorite part of the year for many people. Being able to monitor weather conditions using a home weather station can add to your safety and appreciation of nature throughout the year.