Weather Stationary

Why Is My AcuRite Offline: Easy Troubleshooting Tips & Expert Advice

Why Is My AcuRite Offline: Easy Troubleshooting Tips & Expert Advice

Are you a weather enthusiast?  Or, do you need accurate weather information for your livelihood?  If you are in the situation and asking why is my AcuRite offline? So, what do you do if your AcuRite weather station is offline? 

The top-performing sensors of a weather station detect weather conditions right outside your home and provide detailed insights into historical weather conditions in the area. 

AcuRite manufactures high-performance weather stations that are highly sought-after by consumers all around the world.  So here are some tips you can try if your AcuRite offline.

AcuRite Weather Stations – An Overview

If you are a weather geek and need accurate weather data, you may need top features and the ability to add more sensors. 

In such a case, a weather station by AcuRite can be your best bet. 

AcuRite is a leading weather-centric brand that delivers access to a wide range of feature-rich and top-performing weather stations for all weather conditions. 

They produce weather stations of many different sizes and have many feature options with this reputable brand. 

One of these options is the ability to connect via WiFi.  However, there can be instances when your AcuRite is offline.

Whether you are in need of a highly precise model or a versatile one, AcuRite has got you covered. 

The latest models of weather stations by AcuRite feature high-end technical specifications and innovative technologies for analyzing weather conditions accurately and in real-time. 

Last update on 2025-03-28

AcuRite App –Your Gateway to Accurate Weather Results

We are living in a digitized era and are blessed with a number of specialized tools and features to streamline our day-to-day activities.  With so much innovation taking place across all industry verticals, the modern-day weather stations are also not left behind.  To enhance your user experience, AcuRite provides its cutting-edge technology via the AcuRite mobile app. 

The feature-rich app by AcuRite is highly interactive.  It comes with a set of specialized features for making your app experience seamless.  There is a dedicated real-time dashboard for overall ease of use where you can access relevant weather information while also receiving alerts from time to time. 

One of the best features of the AcuRite app is its presentation of historical data.  The app offers insight into comprehensive weather-specific information and history with top accuracy.  The AcuRite weather station is available as a top-precision weather forecasting device featuring self-calibrating technology.

The accurate weather stations by AcuRite are quite simple to set up and use.  By using self-calibration, the unit is capable of delivering detailed weather-centric information, tracking, records, and forecasts.  They are highly versatile weather stations that serve a place in any home. 

Why Is My AcuRite Offline?

There is no denying the wide set of benefits and innovative features of the revolutionary AcuRite weather stations.  However, like any gadget or appliance, there can be some issues.  One of the common complaints that users have is the unit loses wireless connection.  This means that your AcuRite weather station is showing an offline status. 

The dashboard of the AcuRite weather station displays the sensor readings obtained from the AcuRite Connection Device – including AcuRite Access, PC Connect and smartHUB.  In addition it will display current weather conditions, location details and forecast of the particular address from the Connection Device.

Overview of the AcuRite App Dashboard

Every AcuRite Connection Device, along with the accounts that you are following, gets displayed as a single tab on the app’s dashboard.  You can tap on the tab name for viewing the Connection Device.  Additionally, it also showcases the sensor readings and the status of your weather station.

Data on the AcuRite dashboard gets refreshed or updated every 5 minutes.  If you wish to update data outside this increment, you can do this manually.  Simply swipe down the screen of the app and it will refresh. 


What Can Cause AcuRite Offline

  • Loss of power – either batteries need replacing or power is out if a corded weather station. 
  • No wireless signal to the Connection Device. 
  • The Connection Device may have an unstable connection signal.

Viewing the Status of the Sensor

The sensor’s status in the AcuRite dashboard will include information related to the battery level.  It will show wireless signal strength to the Connection Device.  You can also view details of the time and date when My AcuRite received the last reading from the sensor array.

The sensor status bar can be found in the left corner of the dashboard.  Tap on this bar to find additional details of the sensor status.

  • Green –All features are operating as expected
  • Yellow –A condition requiring your attention 
  • Red – Your AcuRite is offline.  This offline status of the sensor will indicate the sensor hasn’t received updated information for more than 2 hours.  You will receive an alert indicating Loss of Signal.

Solutions for My AcuRite Offline Status

If all the sensors on the My AcuRite dashboard appear offline, or you have received the alert for Communication Loss or Loss of Signal.  Your AcuRite is offline and you can check the AcuRite Access Connection in the following ways:

  • Check the color of the light to ensure signal strength.
  • Make sure that the access is at least 3 feet away from other electronic appliances including the router.  This is because other electronic appliances can lead to wireless interference.
  • Ensure that the My AcuRite compatible sensor has been powered on within 100 meters of the console without any obstruction from AcuRite Access. 


A lot of weather enthusiasts use the revolutionary AcuRite weather stations due to their improved accuracy and top-class performance.  However, it can be very frustrating when your AcuRite is offline and not receiving data.

Try our easy fixes listed above to prevent an AcuRite offline status.  For further troubleshooting tips for weather stations, read our recent article; Easy Home Weather Station Troubleshooting Tips.

Easy Home Weather Station Troubleshooting Tips

Easy Home Weather Station Troubleshooting Tips

I cannot get outdoor readings on my weather station from the outdoor sensors.  What could be the issue, and how do I deal with it?  Do I need to call for a weather station troubleshooting technician?

My temperature readings are higher than expected; what could be the problem?  My rain gauge shows readings higher than expected; how can I test to know if it is accurate?  If you have problems like these, read on for our weather station troubleshooting tips.

What Is Weather Station Troubleshooting

These questions and others are not uncommon when you are using a weather station at home.  Weather stations are complex pieces of equipment that consist of various parts, including sensors, consoles and connections to other devices.  If there is a malfunction with any of these elements, you are sure to have problems, including inaccurate readings. 

You can also have issues with smart weather stations – those that connect to weather apps or weather networks.  These include not finding the Hub or WiFi network, the Hub losing its WiFi connection and sensor devices not reporting data.  Malfunctioning weather stations can be frustrating, especially if you wish to collect data for an extended period for analysis. 

Luckily, you probably won’t require a technician to deal with these issues.  Most of the weather station problems can be dealt with using a few setting adjustments and calibrations. 

Weather station troubleshooting often begins with the instruction manual.  Following the manual during the initial setup can help prevent many issues you may later encounter with your home weather station.

Weather Station Problems And Troubleshooting Them 

1. Troubleshooting Rain Gauge Issues 

Rain Gauge Not Giving Any Readings 

You can experience issues where your rain gauge is not offering any readings at all.  No readings are recorded, which means the historical data is lost and this can affect your analysis. 

Cause: One of the most common causes of your rain gauge not giving any recordings is the presence of spiders, cobwebs, or other debris.  These are often found in the tipping bucket or funnel and prevent water from being collected.  This can also be the case inside the rain gauge itself, where bugs, insects, and other debris can collect and not allow water into the gauge.   

Solution: If you have problems with cobwebs at the tipping spoon/bucket or funnel, simply clean it out.  A great weather station troubleshooting tip is to ensure you clean your weather station sensor array every six months. 

Also, prevent spiders from building cobwebs in your rain gauge by spraying with a bug deterrent.  This also works for debris within the rain gauge itself.  We suggest you check the rain gauge every couple of months and more regularly during autumn when leaves are falling.  Leaves will quickly block the outlet and prevent a rain gauge from getting any readings.

Rain Gauge Giving Higher Readings Than Expected   

You may have an instance where your rain gauge seems to be giving readings that are higher than what you expect.  This issue can be tedious and will require some patience as you investigate what the problem is.

The easiest weather station troubleshooting tip is to test your rain gauge accuracy.  Pour a known amount of water into or through the gauge and compare the reading.  Our experts suggest you do this a few times and take the average.  Your readings need to be within 1-2%

Cause: It can be an issue with calibrations or settings adjustment.

Solution: If the rain gauge readings are high and the weather station offers a calibration screw, you can adjust it to get accurate readings.  

2. Weather Station Troubleshooting Temperature


Temperature Readings Much Higher Than You Expect  

A common issue with temperature readings is that the sensor has not been positioned properly.  Such readings affect your analysis and will affect your data in the long term. 

Cause: The issue is usually the result of incorrect positioning of the temperature sensor during setup.  Temperature sensors need to be placed out of direct sunlight in a lightly shaded position.  

Solution: The temperature sensor should be away from direct sunlight and should be in a shady position. The ideal placement of a temperature sensor is to fix it on a north-facing wall. 

A wireless temperature and humidity sensor can also be placed under a tree, but if the temperature sensor is on the weather station you will need to find a shady place.  It will be best to study the area before you place your weather station. Monitor the area, especially during the day, to ensure you know the areas that remain shaded.  

If you have high-temperature readings from an indoor console, it may be getting direct sunlight through a window.  Also check that it is not close to devices in the house that emit heat, such as computers and TV sets. 

Low Outdoor Temperature Readings  

Cause: Low outdoor temperature readings can be due to calibration settings, or the radiation shield is close to sprinklers. 

Solution: Make sure the temperature sensor is away from any sprinklers.  

Calibrate the thermometer.  Fill a container with ice and then add water.  Stir and let it sit for a few minutes before adding the thermometer sensor for at least 30 seconds.  The temperature should read 32 degrees F or 0 degrees C.  If this is not the case, check the batteries by replacing them and then press reset. 

Low Indoor Temperature Reading  

Your console can display low temperatures even when the room is not cold. 

Cause: You can experience low temperatures if the temperature sensor is near an air vent. It could also be that you have placed the temperature sensor near a drafty window. 

Solution: You may have to recalibrate the temperature sensor – see above.  Additionally, you can move the sensor away from the cool air vent or place it where the temperature is stable.

3. Troubleshooting Console Issues 

Console Doesn’t Display Data 

A common troubleshooting issue with a home weather station is the console not displaying any data.  Instead, it may be displaying only dashes. 

Cause: This is usually when the sensor array cannot transmit data to the console.  There may be an obstruction blocking signals from the sensor array to reach the console.  Also, the console may display dashes if the sensory array runs out of power. 

The problem can also happen if you exceed the storage capacity of the console or the device is unable to receive data from the sensory array. 

Solution: Check the sensor array to determine if there is any obstruction blocking the signals.  These can include walls, trees and even buildings.  If you identify an obstruction, you will need to move the sensor array so that there is a clear path between the sensor array and the console. You should also check that the array is powered up.  You may need to replace the batteries, or if you have a corded home weather station, check the power.  

If the sensor unit is powered and there is no obstruction, download the data onto your PC or a USB and clear the console.

A Sluggish Console 

You can also experience issues with your weather station console becoming slow or not offering a clear display. 

Cause: Your console will become slow if the temperature around it drops very low.  This mostly happens if your console is located outside and the components become too cold to function. 

Solution: If your console is becoming sluggish due to very low temperatures, you can consider installing a temperature sensor near the console to help in monitoring the temperatures.  It will be best to use a wireless thermometer to enable you to monitor the temperatures from indoors.  

Consider placing a shelter over the console.  If the low temperature readings persist, you may look to move the console indoors. 

4. Smart Weather Station Troubleshooting 

Smart weather stations are very easy to use and give detailed and accurate weather data.  For instance, you can use the mobile app to monitor weather even when you are not around. An added benefit of smart weather stations is that you can integrate them with other smart devices in the house. 

Integrate your smart weather station with Alexa or Google Assistant to use voice control for temperature changes.  However, these complex devices are not immune to issues so look at these easy weather station troubleshooting ideas. 

The most common include:

WiFi Network Is Not Found   

The smart weather station may be having challenges locating your WiFi network. 

Cause: The issue could be with your network connection. 

Solution: Use the mobile app to refresh the device to see if it will connect to the network.  Check that the WiFi router broadcasts at a 2.4 GHz band network connection.  The Hub uses a 2.4 GHz band network, which offers a more enhanced range than the 5 GHz.  As the Hub is continuously updating, it does not need a fast transfer of data. 

You can also choose to set up the Hub manually if the network connection is not visible. 

Finally, you can deal with the issues by rebooting the router, Hub, and range extenders. 

Hub Doesn’t Connect to the WiFi  

Sometimes you can get an error message on your mobile app stating, “ Hub not connected.”  This is a common error and is often asked when troubleshooting your weather station.

Cause:  Router not connected to the internet, broadcasting on the wrong network, or Bluetooth is not turned on.

Solution: Ensure that you enter the correct password as you set up your smart home weather station. You can refresh the device after re-entering the password. Additionally, you need to ensure your device is broadcasting at 2.4 GHz and not 5 GHz. 

The smart weather station comprises various devices, including the Hub, router and range extenders.  If your device cannot connect to the WiFi, it may be due to an issue with one of the devices.  Restarting all of these can go a long way in fixing any problems. 

You should also check the Hub’s security protocol. Some Hubs don’t support the WEP security protocol, so try a WPA security protocol.  If your router is quite old it may be time for an upgrade.  Older routers often have a WEP security protocol is outdated. 

If there are several access points in your system that broadcast the same SSID, you can try to shut down all access points except one. Restart all devices and try to connect to your WiFi network again. 

Hub Loses WiFi Connection   

Another issue you can encounter with smart weather station troubleshooting is the Hub losing WiFi connection and your weather station is offline. 

Cause: Check the console is close enough to the network router.  Also look at the WiFi router, hub, and range extenders.

Solution: If you have placed the hub a fair distance from the network router, try moving it closer. Check the signal strength on the console by looking at Status.  Move it closer till you get a strong signal strength.  Alternatively, you can connect the Hub to the network router directly.  This will give you a much more stable connection instead of using it using range extenders. 

You can also try to reconnect the Hub to the WiFi network manually or reboot the WiFi router, Hub, and the range extenders. 

If you still have issues with your Hub connecting to the WiFi network, you can clear the WiFi settings and connect again.  To do this, press and hold the reset button until the LED flashes. 

5. Troubleshooting Weather Station Bluetooth Connection 

Cause: If the app cannot detect the Bluetooth connection between the Hub and your phone or tablet, you will receive a “Hub not found” message. 

Solution: If you use an Android phone or tablet, ensure location services are enabled.  

Allow the app to use Bluetooth on your device. 

You can also close the app, unplug your Hub for a short while and then power it back.  Allow the device time to reboot and then continue with the initial setup.  

If this still doesn’t work, restart your tablet or phone.

6. Troubleshooting Other Weather Station Issues

Dashed Wind Direction Data 

You may experience an issue where your weather station console fails to display wind direction data but instead shows a dash. 

Cause: The console may not display wind direction data if the weather station is wireless and there is a failure in signal transmission.  If the weather station is cabled, the issue can arise from a faulty cable. Problems with the anemometer can also cause no data. 

Solution: If the weather station is cabled, you can deal with the issue by replacing the faulty cable.  On the other hand, if the weather station is wireless, check the signal reception.

If these measures don’t work, the issue could be with the anemometer, and you may have to contact the manufacturer. 

Issues With The Wind Chill Reading  

Sometimes the weather station can display inaccurate wind chill readings that are too high or too low. 

Cause: The inaccurate wind chill readings can be due to an anemometer or the temperature sensor issue. 

Solution: Check the anemometer to determine if it has an issue and contacts the manufacturer for a repair or replacement.

Use the ice bath method to check the temperature accuracy. 

Final Thoughts 

It is not unusual to experience issues with your weather station, so follow our weather station troubleshooting tips. Luckily, most of these issues will not require you to hire a technician to rectify them. 

Often, the easiest way to fix any of these is by rebooting or refreshing the device or moving the weather station sensor array or console.  For instance, if the device gives high-temperature readings because it is exposed to direct sunlight, you only need to move it to a shade. 

Let us know if these have helped solve any problems you experienced with your home weather station.  Or, leave a comment below with other solutions you have been able to fix. 

For Davis weather station troubleshooting, read our earlier article.

How Do You Reset AcuRite Thermometer?

How Do You Reset AcuRite Thermometer?

An exact reading is all that you are looking for when using a thermometer.  Your AcuRite outdoor thermometer may, after some time, give less accurate data.  If this is the case, you may need to reset AcuRite thermometer to provide the most up-to-date recordings.

In this article, we’ll show you how to reset an AcuRite outdoor thermometer and address some other common problems.

Calibrate the Temperature and Humidity

As many of the AcuRite thermometers also measure humidity we will look at these two readings together.  Even if you have a dedicated hygrometer or thermometer, the process is the same.

For an indoor thermometer/hygrometer, let the sensors adjust to the new room for around three hours. 

If you are still getting an inaccurate reading on an AcuRite analog thermometer, you must turn the knob on the back of the unit to adjust it.

If you are using a digital model the process is slightly more complicated and we will address it fully later.  

For now, you will need to adjust the slotted fine potentiometer or nut until you have the correct temperature.  Then press the reset button.

AcuRite Wireless Digital Indoor Thermometer and Hygrometer Monitor for Inside Temperature and Humidity Measurements (00613)

Test Your AcuRite Outdoor Thermometer For Accuracy

Fill a container with crushed ice and add water to fill it. Give it a stir and let it sit for a few minutes.  Add the thermometer sensor into the container for at least 30 seconds.  It should read 32 degrees F and if so you are good to go.  This test also gives you a great indication of exactly how inaccurate readings are before you reset. 

So, how do I reset my AcuRite outdoor thermometer?  The reset button is located within the battery compartment.  Press and hold the button for a couple of seconds.  After a reset, it will take around 4 hours for readings to appear after you replace the batteries.  You will also need to enter the date and time after a reset.

If your unit is flashing, it means that there is some kind of wireless interference. 

How To Adjust An AcuRite Outdoor Thermometer

For digital display outdoor temperature and humidity calibration, you can do this on the display.  To get to adjustment mode, press and hold the -, SET, and + at the same time for no less than 5 seconds.

How To Reset An AcuRite Iris?

As with all AcuRite weather stations, AcuRite Iris incorporates an outdoor thermometer.  If the sensor is not connecting to the display screen use these reset steps. 

Signs of the sensor not interfacing with the screen could include:

  • No outdoor temperature.
  • The outdoor temperature doesn’t change.
  • No wind speed.
  • Inaccurate wind speed.
  • The outdoor humidity of 1%.

Rainfall not recorded or inaccurate

Inaccurate outdoor temperature

AcuRite Iris (5-in-1) Professional Weather Station with High-Definition Display, Built-In Barometer, and AcuRite Access for Remote Monitoring and Alerts, Compatible with Amazon Alexa, Black (01151M)

Check these things before attempting to hard reset AcuRite thermometer:


  1. Confirm that the A-B-C switch of both the screen and sensor are on the same letter.  These are located in the battery compartments of the sensor and display.  It doesn’t matter which letter you choose as long as they are the same on both.
  2. Try another position for either the sensor array or the display unit.  Under ideal conditions, the models can be up to 330 ft (100 m) of one another.
  3. Keep 3 feet (.9 m) from gadgets that might meddle with remote correspondence (like TVs, microwaves, PCs, and whatnot.
  4. Make sure you use standard alkaline batteries.  AcuRite does not recommend rechargeable or heavy-duty batteries for its products.  Lithium batteries are recommended for the sensor in temperature below – 4ºF/ – 20ºC. 
  5. It will take 5 minutes after replacing the batteries to synchronize the sensor and display unit.

Hard Reset

  • Bring the sensor and screen display together and remove the batteries or power cord.
  • Decide which setting of the A-B-C switch to use and change both to this newsletter.  Press and hold the reset button for about 20 seconds.
  • Add batteries to the outdoor sensor.
  • Re-connect the power cord or replace the batteries in the display unit.  The reset button must be immediately held for 20 seconds if there is one.
  • Keep the units together for 5 minutes or until you see a strong sensor signal.

AcuRite Iris Outdoor Thermometer Inaccurate Temperature Readings 

These apply if your AcuRite Iris with outdoor thermometer or My AcuRite® account is showing wrong or inaccurate outdoor temperature or humidity data. 

Use these steps to correct the following error codes which are often seen when there is corrosion of the wires.

  • -40 degrees
  • 158 degrees
  • 1% humidity
  • 99% humidity

Before dismantling the sensor unit, confirm the following:

  • Are the sensor array and display free from vents or other heat sources?
  • Does the display unit have full signal strength – you should see 4 bars.
  • Make sure both the display and sensor array are clear from any source of moisture.
  • Is the sensor mounted at least 5 ft from the ground?

Once you have confirmed the above and if the error codes persist, you will need to delve a bit deeper into the sensor array.

Remove the 4 screws at the base of the unit and clear any debris and dust.  Check and gently clean all components.  Ensure there is no corrosion or the red and black wires that connect to the temperature/humidity board.  If corrosion is found, this is most likely the reason for the error codes and will need to be corrected. 

AcuRite Outdoor Thermometer Still Not Working?

If you have gone through the above steps and still have issues with an AcuRite outdoor thermometer, contact AcuRite’s U.S.-based support staff.  You can submit a request or chat with their live experts. 

If you have an open ticket with a help specialist, make sure to check your email for a response.  And, check your junk folder.


There are many factors that can affect the accuracy of your AcuRite outdoor thermometer.  From the sensor being in the wrong place, batteries needing replacing, or corrosion occurring in an outdoor sensor array.

This article gives some simple fixes and tests you can do yourself to ensure your AcuRite outdoor thermometer works properly for many years.  Leave a comment below if you found this article helpful.

Read more about AcuRite products in our recent articles.

5 Reasons Why You Need to Monitor Concrete Conditions to Avoid Concrete Cracking (2020)

5 Reasons Why You Need to Monitor Concrete Conditions to Avoid Concrete Cracking (2020)

What is Cracked Concrete?

Concrete is one of the most durable products that you can use around your house. However, this statement only remains valid IF you use it properly. Seeing wide or narrow concrete cracking can be troublesome, but you can avoid it by directly paying attention to minor details. 

Concrete cracking happens mostly due to temperature change, uneven loads, thawing, or freezing. You might start to witness wide or narrow (hairline) cracks on concrete, commonly known as concrete cracking.

In this post, you will learn more details about what Concrete Cracking is, why it happens and what measures you need to take to prevent it. You will also find out a weather instrument that will help you with solving the problem.

Apart from the reasons mentioned above, concrete cracking might also happen because of:

  • shrinkage
  • chemical reactions
  • constructional movement
  • evaporation rate 
  • other reasons. 

Common types of concrete cracks

common concrete crack

The most common type of concrete cracks are:

  1. Concrete Cracks by Plastic Shrinkage
  2. Settling Concrete Cracks  
  3. Concrete Cracks due to Load
  4. Heavy Concrete Cracks 
  5. Expansion Concrete Cracks

Why does Concrete Cracking Take Place?

No matter if you see concrete cracks in floors, concrete cracks in the driveway, concrete cracks in walls, or concrete cracks in patio – you can control concrete cracking by paying attention to the below-mentioned reasons.  

Reason #01: Water Excess in the Mix

excess water in concrete mix

Water can be the main force of shrinkage in concrete. 

Concrete does not require much water to prepare its mix for installation. However, many times excess water added to the concrete results in the evaporation of mixing water during the drying phase. 

Concrete can shrink up to ½ inch per 100 feet, which is why it is necessary to limit water in the concrete mix. The forces in the concrete mix are so strong that they leave cracks in it. 

Try to avoid adding excess water in concrete to avoid cracks in it. 

Reason #02: Rapid Concrete Drying 

You might witness plastic shrinkage cracks if the concrete dries up very quickly. It is because the concrete is not able to gain enough tensile strength that leads to cracking. So, we can say that another reason for concrete cracks is its rapid drying. To further understand it, you must know that concrete dries out due to a reaction that takes place in it. 

You need to add an adequate amount of water to concrete. The reaction that takes place transforms the concrete from liquid to solid-state. 

Concrete drying can go on for days, but you need to make sure that you have added enough water in the concrete mixture to cure the slab. If the concrete dries out before time, you can witness concrete cracking. 

Reason #03: Wrong Strength Concrete Poured In 

Cracks on a concrete slab might also be due to pouring wrong concrete strength on the slab. If you are using a ready mix concrete, then you must confirm concrete strength from the supplier. 

Concrete comes in various strengths, and you must know which strength you are pouring in. If you put in improper concrete strength, then the cracks are imminent. 

Reason #04: Lack of Concrete Joints

concrete joints

One way to protect cracks in the concrete slabs is by placing the concrete joints in the slab. However, if there are not enough concrete joints, then concrete cracking occurs. It is placing concrete joints in the slab that protects concrete from random cracking; you should do this at predetermined locations. 

Reason #05: Pouring Concrete on Frozen Ground

Never pour concrete on frozen ground! 

There are many reasons for it. First of all, the frozen ground only settles upon thawing. Hence, the concrete cracks can occur. Also, when the ground is cold, the concrete might not set as rapidly as it does. The surface sets in, but the inside of the concrete may remain soft.

Methods to Prevent Concrete Cracking

concrete cracking

If you are witnessing cracks in the concrete, do not worry – you can fix it. 

The concrete cracks are unbearable, especially when they are ruining your house’s look. Concrete cracks in fountain, driveway, or anywhere else can catch anybody’s attention, so try to get rid of them as fast as you can. 

There are many ways to prevent concrete cracking. We start by providing a solution to the reasons mentioned above. To summarize, the main reasons for concrete cracking are:

  1. Water Excess in the Mix
  2. Rapid Concrete Drying 
  3. Wrong Strength of Concrete Poured
  4. Lack of Concrete Joints
  5. Pouring Concrete on Frozen Ground

If you are facing concrete cracks, then try to mitigate the five issues listed above.

Method #01: Stop Pouring in Excess Water in the Concrete Mix 

You must confirm from your contractor how much water he poured in the concrete mix. Make sure to hire a reliable contractor who knows these things very well.

Method #02: Concrete Curing 

Curing is one of the methods to stop your concrete mix from rapid drying. This method helps in retaining the concrete’s moisture to let it have enough strength. It also helps in delaying shrinkage in the concrete. Here is how you can cure concrete in simple ways. 

  • You can cure concrete with the help of mist, flooded, or ponded spray. These help with preventing mix water evaporation. 
  • You can cover concrete with wet burlap, sand, canvas, or straw. Make sure the covering is damp at all times during curing. 
  • You can also place plastic film seal or waterproof paper on hard concrete to help it resist cracking. Plastic films might cause discoloration, so place them wisely.
  • You can make a proper chemical application as soon as the concrete is done. Make sure to contact your flooring contractor before doing it as the process can affect the adherence effect of your flooring. 

Method #03: Contact Your Supplier in regards to Concrete Strength 

concrete strength checking

Contact local state concrete associations to get your hands on the first-hand knowledge about concrete strength. Once you have it, make sure to communicate it with your contractor. Hire a reliable contractor to avoid these issues. 

Method #04: Place Enough Control Joints

worker pouring concrete

Having enough control joints in concrete allows movements due to temperature changes inside the concrete. It would help if you decided where you place the control joints in the concrete. Note that concrete cracks might still take place, but these will be in straight lines rather than randomly.

The joints should be the same as the slab and should be about 2-3 times (in feet) of the concrete thickness in inches. Also, cut the joints as much as 25% of the slab depth. You can use grooving tools to cut joints in fresh concrete; whereas, a saw might be a better option to cut joints when the concrete is hard. 

Method #05: Place Concrete on Compact Ground

Here comes another essential method to help you place the concrete slab without any cracks. One cannot wait for the hot weather to install the concrete, so what can we do? Soil thawing. No matter if you have to install concrete in cold weather, you can do so but with many precautions. 

As beginners, many people don’t know that there is a base below slab that plays a critical role in installing the concrete. This base acts as a foundation and is called the ‘soil support system.’ When the soil is cold, the concrete takes more time to harden. 

hand in the snow

Pouring concrete on a cold soil looks time-saving, but it can cost you a lot of money and efforts in the future. It’s better to take necessary measures now, then taking them in the future. Here is how you can thaw the ground.

  • Hydronic Heaters: It uses a pump to run heating fluid through rubber tubes. The whole tube structure is laid out on the surface to be thawed. Although it is a good method, it does not give proper insulation against heat and takes much time to set up.
  • Heated Enclosures: A heated enclosure is built over the surface to be thawed. This method is used with other thawing methods. One downfall of this method is that it can start heating the surroundings as well instead of focus on the surface.
  • Drilling Holes: Many times, contractors dig in holes into the ground and fill it with hot water or steam. It takes a lot of effort and excess of water on the pour site, which can slow down the thawing process. 
  • Fire: Propane torches or fire can be used on the pour site; however, it might not give enough heat to the thawing surface. Also, this method is not safe in winter. 
  • Insulation: Placing an insulating blanket might also help thaw the ground through geothermal forces. This method is sufficiently efficient, but not be helpful in extreme weather conditions. 
  • Heated Ground Thaw Blanket: Thawing ground through electrically powered heating is the best method. It gives proper insulation, provides sufficient heat to the ground, and is safe in cold weather. 
Pro Tip: Even though the prevention mentioned above methods are effective, what if you wouldn’t have to do any of this work and still avoid concrete cracking? Well, it is possible – thanks to the Kestrel 5200 or Kestrel Concrete Pro Jobsite Weather Kit. Kestrel 5200 is the best product for construction use. It helps in calculating the rate of evaporation through the built-in American Concrete Institute Evaporation Rate nomograph that measures the condition of the pout site. All you have to do is enter the temperature; then, the device displays all the necessary information required to install an adequate concrete mixture on the location.

You can easily prevent cracks from happening on the concrete slab. Apart from that, the device also measures:

  • Air Density
  • Humidity Ratio
  • Heat Stress Index, and much more. 

So, besides an essential tool that helps you avoiding concrete cracks, you’ll also have a complete pocket weather station.

You can also get a Kestrel Concrete Pro Jobsite Weather Kit that includes Kestrel 5200 with LiNK, rotating vane mount, protective hard carrying case, and portable mini tripod & extension rod. 

Kestrel Concrete Pro Jobsite Weather Kit

Having everything in your hands gives you the necessary measurements to prevent concrete cracks pretty quickly. The kit is lightweight and does not take much space. With the LiNK technology in the device, you can get all the readings on your mobile phone. You can also set up customizable alerts on your phone for any changes in the weather condition. 

Instead of fixing the cracks, try preventing it with professional help. 


How to Fix Concrete Cracks 

Cracks can either be very big or narrow, so if you see any – do not worry; you can fix it! 

A “caulk-style concrete repair compound can fix hairline cracks. Such as cracks in a concrete slab.” On the other hand, if there are large cracks in the wall, then you can stick to the “epoxy injection kit” to fix it. 

How to Fix a Crack in Concrete Driveway

avoid concrete cracking

Follow these simple steps: 

  • Hairline cracks in the concrete can be treated with a “caulk-style concrete repair compound.” These compounds are the best to use for narrow cracks as it is affordable and easy to use. You can buy them from any home improvement store. 
  1. Take a wire brush and clean out any debris in the loose concrete area. 
  2. Clean out any remaining dust particles in the crack through vacuum or sweep. 
  3. Fill the crack with epoxy concrete crack repair
  4. Smooth out the surface through a putty knife and cure the surface for about 4-6 hours. 

How to Repair Concrete Walls with Cracks

If you are witnessing wide cracks in the wall, then you can quickly fix them by following this simple technique. 

  • The epoxy for repairing concrete cracks is the perfect solution for wide cracks. Buy 2-part epoxy that comes with a nozzle to fill the cracks. 
  1. Take a wire brush and clean all the debris from the area. Use a blow-dry to clean all the residual debris in and around the crack.
  2. In the next step, attach the 10d nails in the crack within 12-inch distance. 
  3. Once the ports are attached, remove the nails from the crack. Do this before pouring epoxy in the crack. 
  4. Take the 2-part epoxy and spread it over the crack & injection ports’ bases. 
  5. Wait 6 hours. Fixing requires about 4-6 hours before filling the injection ports. 
  6. Use a saw to cut out the injection ports’ necks after 5 days. Patch the cuts after cutting the neck. 

These are some of the most popular fixes that you can try with wide and narrow cracks. So, do not forget to use them if none of the prevention methods work for concrete cracks.  

Repair Products for Concrete Cracking 

Once you know how to fix the cracks, the next thing you should know about the products to fill the cracks. Here are the top 5 top filler for concrete cracks. 

PC Concrete Double Action Epoxy Adhesive for Crack Repair 

PC Concrete Double Action Epoxy Adhesive

Are you looking for the best crack fillers? The epoxy adhesive is the best option for you. PC Concrete is a famous name in the industry, which is why you can trust this brand without any problem. Also, this crack filler works fine even with massive cracks. Don’t worry about the cracks opening up again or losing their durability.

Top Features:

  • Best to fill vertical cracks in the concrete
  • It has shown proven results on damp site
  • The best product for both indoor and outdoor cracks
  • The concrete crack repair takes about four hours to fix the cracks

Pros & Cons

  • The adhesive is the best moisture resistant Natural expansion or contraction do not affect it
  • It is an expensive product It takes much time to squeeze out the adhesive from the tube
This adhesive is the best for vertical application, so do not try it on horizontal cracks. Also, if the crack is in a fountain or any other wet area, then consider this adhesive to do the job correctly.

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Red-Devil Concrete Patch (Pre-mixed Formula)

One of the best products to repair concrete cracks is the amazing Red Devil Concrete Patch. This product is surprisingly good for holes or cracks, and it is easy to use.

Red-Devil Concrete Patch
Top Features:

  • Easy to use 
  • Has a concrete texture
  • Water-based

Pros & Cons

  • No shrinkage is seen after drying Easy to clean up Ready to use
  • Not ideal for driveways Might not be the perfect option for very large cracks

Red Devil 0644 Pre-Mix Concrete Patch comes ready-to-use. So, anyone can use easily use it without any issues.

Check Today’s Price on Amazon

Rust-Oleum EpoxyShield Concrete Patch and Repair

Rust-Oleum EpoxyShield Concrete Patch and Repair

Another great product to hide cracks is the Rust-Oleum EpoxyShield Concrete Patch and Repair. It is one of the best products to get rid of ugly cracks on driveways, walls, or other places. This adhesive does not take much time to prepare. You can get rid of cracks pretty quickly with this instant solution.

Top Features:

  • Safe to use 
  • Comes in 24oz container
  • Only takes 8 hours to cure
  • Also, repair cracks on masonry

Pros & Cons

  • Fast curing Affordable product Bearable odor No shrinkage upon weather changes
  • Leaves a glossy texture on the surface Works best for indoors only

It is one of the best products to repair cracks, but keep in mind that it might not work with the cracks in the driveway, fountain, or other outdoor areas. Although it is not very expensive, you can use this product for all the cracks around your house.

Check Today’s Price on Amazon

Sashco 16210 Slab Concrete Crack Repair Sealant 

Sashco 16210 Slab Concrete Crack Repair Sealant 

There might be a lot of concrete crack fill options, but only a few are the best ones. If you want to repair concrete cracks without any hassle, then get the Sashco crack repair sealant today. This crack repair sealant helps in closing cracks and stopping them from absorbing the moisture. 

Top Features:

  • Gives grayish concrete finish 
  • Has watery texture
  • Made of acrylic latex 
  • Can repair up to 3-inch-wide cracks

Pros & Cons

  • Easily blend with concrete The flexible material and does not break off upon changing weather conditions It is also suitable for indoor use Ideal to be used in places with heavy vehicular traffic
  • Should not be applied during the wet season Takes up to 3 days for curing and drying

Even though it is an expensive option and some might find it difficult to wait for 2 days for it to dry, but if you can compromise on these two flaws, then this is the best product that you can invest.

Check Today’s Price on Amazon

EZR-Hairline Crack Sealer 

EZR-Hairline Crack Sealer 

Are you looking for a crack filler for the hairline cracks? EZR Hairline Crack Sealer is at your service. Please do not underestimate the hairline cracks as it can go deep and absorb the moisture that can ultimately damage the surface of the concrete. If you see a hairline crack, then fill in concrete cracks with this crack sealer and get rid of them easily.

Top Features:

  • Can be used anywhere in the house
  • It consists of pinpoint top to fill cracks easily
  • It dries very quickly and is sun resistant 

Pros & Cons

  • It is extremely thin and suitable for tiny cracks as well Gives a clear finish Can be used on asphalt, porcelain, and other surfaces as well
  • It is not highly durable Customers complain about missing pinpoint top

This adhesive is the best for hairline cracks, but not more than that. If you see any wide cracks in your house, then this crack sealer might not be the best for you.

Check Today’s Price on Amazon


Concrete cracks are not the ideal situation, and nobody likes to see their floor, driveway, fountain, or walls opened up in an ugly way. However, if this ever happens, do not worry. There are many products along with methods and fixes that you can try to get rid of concrete cracks. 

I hope this article helps you find a solution related to concrete cracks. Try the fixes mentioned above and enjoy crack free flooring for the rest of your life!

Davis Weather Station Troubleshooting Tips

Davis Weather Station Troubleshooting Tips

Davis Instruments FAQ

This section is tailored for Weather Station troubleshooting for Davis Vantage Vue and Davis Vantage Pro2. However, there are common issues that will apply to any personal weather station. Even if the specifics are not the same, the information may help while enjoying any of our weather stations.

The most accurate information should be in the owner’s manual for each station. If the manual is lost or mislaid, most manufacturers have PDF copies online for you to download.

Davis Instruments History|

1. How Can I find The Product Number And Manufacturing Code For My Station?

Davis weather stations typically provide years of trouble-free service, however, from time to time some things can still go wrong. 

Whether you contact the company via telephone, email, or online chat, they will need two pieces of information in order to give the best service. These are the exact Product / Part  Number and Manufacturing Code of the station component.

The Product / Part  Number is the main Davis catalog number needed to identify and fix your problem. The Mfg Code is the serial number and manufacture date for each unit that will also help the technician ensure that the correct parts are installed for your weather station. Both can be found on the label of your unit.

The label for the Vantage Vue ISS is located on the underside of the unit. Other sensor transmitters will have the label on the internal transmitter board cover, which will be obvious once the outer door is opened. Labels for consoles are on the back or underside of the unit. Data logger labels are on the side of the unit which faces into the console when installed (the logger must be removed to see the label).

TIP: Before mounting the Integrated Sensor Suite, copy the label data onto a Post-It note and place the note on the back of the console. Then you will not have to get the ladder out if you need to contact the Service Center.

2. When Do I Need To Reboot The Console And How Do I Do It?

Sometimes the console will display a Fault Code or will malfunction apparently. Usually, these conditions can be corrected or cleared by simply resetting or rebooting the console.

The Vantage Vue and Vantage Pro 2 consoles do not have a designated “reset” switch. So, initiating a reboot requires completely powering down the unit by removing all power sources, i.e. the main power cord and the batteries. Leave the power disconnected for at least 10-20 seconds before restarting.

Listening To The Number Of BEEPS When Rebooting

It is a good habit to listen for the beeps as the unit reboots. These serve as an indication that the reboot is successful. The Envoy console will beep once, the VP2 twice and 3 beeps for the Vue console. Add one beep to the sequence if there is a data logger installed.

Vue and VP2 consoles will not display data until the unit exits “Set Up” mode. Most units will exit Set-Up automatically after 10 minutes, but older firmware may display “Receiving from” on the ticker line at the bottom of the display. Simply exit Set-Up by giving the Done button a ‘long press’.

3. Why Do My Console Appears To Be Dead Or Unresponsive.

If there are no texts or icons displayed on the LCD screen, most like the cause is a power failure. Check both the 5v AC adapter and the three ‘C’ cells in the battery compartment. If the console works on batteries but not on the adapter, assume that the adapter is defective. If the unit powers up using the adapter but not on batteries, check the following:

  • Ensure batteries are installed with correct polarity
  • If possible, check each cell with a multi-meter to verify the charge – 1.2 to 1.3v. If a multi-meter is not available, try installing fresh batteries.
  • Inspect battery holder to ensure that springs are not loose or other parts are disconnected.

Note: Storing the unit with old batteries may allow them to leak and damage the battery holder.

If all or most of the characters on the display are lit but will not clear or respond to button presses, the display may have locked up. This usually occurs when powering up the unit or if the AC adapter experiences a power spike. The usual remedy is to reboot the console as described above.

There may be other symptoms of misbehaving display which are too detailed to discuss here. If problems do not go away after checking the power supply and rebooting, contact Davis Instruments Customer Support.

4. The Console Appears To Be Working But There Is Missing Data.

If the console has powered up correctly and is displaying time/date and inside temperature/humidity/pressure, there is likely a problem with the sensor transmitter or the sensor itself. Generally, each transmitter will carry data from multiple sensors, so if all the data from one transmitter is missing, the fault is likely the transmitter. If only one sensor reading is missing, the fault is probably the sensor itself.

5. The Console Displays A ‘Low Battery” Warning.

There are two Low Battery warnings on the Davis Instrument console; Transmitter low battery and Console low battery.

change battery in vantage vue transmitter

The console will run fine with no or low batteries. Because of the danger of old batteries leaking, it may be a good idea to remove them when the Low battery warning is displayed. (The warning will continue to display if the batteries are removed.) Although the console will continue to operate without battery back-up, if there is a power loss the unit will go off-line and require a reboot when power is restored. Since there is minimal power drain of the batteries, it is recommended that batteries are installed even if the AC adapter is the primary power source. Rechargeable batteries are not recommended because their voltage profile is significantly lower than alkaline cells.

The sensors have three power sources. The “main power” is a non-rechargeable lithium CR123 cell, a type commonly used in digital cameras. This cell normally contains enough power to last 6-9 months by itself, but the sensor suite also has a small solar panel that will power the transmitter during a sunny day. Any excess power produced by the solar panel is collected by a super-capacitor (supercap) which is capable of storing an incredible amount of electrical energy for its size. The supercap could store enough energy to power the transmitter for a full day, but the solar panel cannot provide enough power to fully charge it on winter days with short daylight hours.

The power sequence is Solar, supercap, and then lithium cell. When the solar panel and supercap cannot provide power through the night, the lithium cell is drained and therefore eventually will require replacement when indicated on the console display.

6. My WeatherLink Logger Is Not Displaying Readings On My Computer. How Do I Troubleshoot It?

The data logger itself is a relatively simple, rugged, and reliable unit that rarely fails. In 98% of WeatherLink faults, the trouble lies with the computer, external problems such as wireless interference or noisy AC mains, or the logger connection is loose. This Weather Station Troubleshooting guide assumes that the logger is being used with a Vantage Vue or Vantage Pro2 console. Troubles may also occur when the logger is connected to an Envoy console, but since the Envoy does not have a screen of its own, all data is displayed on the PC, and troubleshooting must be modified accordingly.

That being said, the first step to Weather Station Troubleshooting logger problems is a simple reboot, of both the console and the computer to which the logger is connected. This assumes, of course, that the logger is properly connected to the console and the USB port of the computer.

Weather Station Troubleshooting protocols assume that the logger is properly connected at both ends and has performed properly in the past. There are some important considerations if you are having problems with a new installation. Although WeatherLink is designed to be compatible with third-party software, it is highly recommended that the software on the CD shipped with the logger be installed on the PC and used for the initial installation. Once the logger is communicating with the PC using the provided software, you can proceed to install third-party software with the assurance that the system is working properly.

Whenever there are issues related to viewing weather data on the PC, there are some basic steps that should be observed:

  • Ensure that the console is displaying all the data. If not, the fault may lie with the console or the ISS. Troubleshoot these faults before proceeding with Weather Station Troubleshooting the logger or the PC.
  • If the console display is functioning, unplug the USB from the PC for 10-20 seconds to force a reset, then replug and wait an additional 10-20 seconds before retrying the program.
  • Close and restart the software program.
  • Restart and reboot the PC.
  • Reboot the console and check that the logger is firmly installed.

7. I Have An Older Davis Instruments Weather Station. Can I still Get Support For The Unit?

For owners of the prior generation of Davis Weather Monitor II, Weather Wizard III, and the original Vantage Pro (which Davis refers to as the VP1), please understand that these units are now a decade old or in many cases, even older, which is well beyond their anticipated service life. Many of these units are still in service, which is a testimony of how well Davis builds their weather instruments, but the technology has moved beyond these units.

For example, the VP1 and the Vantage Pro 2 use significantly different data protocols, and therefore are not compatible with each other. This means that you cannot replace your VP1 console with a newer unit, and a serviceable VP1 console, whether cabled or wireless, will not receive and display data from the newer ISS.

Davis Instruments Cabled vs. Wireless|

Davis Instruments Cabled vs. Wireless

One of the biggest issues faced by owners of older weather stations is parts support. Spare parts for these units have not been manufactured for years, although it may be possible to find “new old stock” on the shelves of some larger service centers.

Some of the sensors used in older units are still standardized parts and can be directly replaced with current parts. One exception is the temperature /humidity sensors for the VP1 and the WMII. These parts are distinct from each model, but share the problem of unavailability. It is technically possible to replace the temperature/humidity sensor with a simple temperature sensor. Since there is no humidity reading, dew point and heat index functionality will be lost as well, but in some cases, this is an acceptable means to extend the life of an older system.

The anemometer of the 6410 VP2 is fully compatible with the VP1. A faulty rain gauge may be repaired by replacing the reed switch, or replaced with a 7852 standalone rain gauge. The 6450 solar gauge and the 6490 UV meters from the VP2 are fully compatible with the VP1. However, the pressure sensor, which is built into the console mainboard, is not replaceable.

Repairs to transmitter boards and consoles are theoretically possible, but the uncertainty of parts replacement tends to make repair prohibitively expensive and unpractical.

8. How To Clean Your Davis Vantage Vue


9. How To Replace Vantage Vue Transmitter


10. Not Registering Rainfall

First, you have to check if something is stuck in the hole like twigs or trash. If it’s clean, then check for blockages like spiderwebs that might prevent it from communicating with the ISS.

11. Display Is Blank

Your unit is not receiving power. Check the power adapter connections and batteries, replace them if needed.

12. Display Unit Shows Dashes Instead Of Weather Data

The ISS isn’t transmitting properly or the console is not receiving. It can also be caused by calibration numbers not properly set, calibrate if necessary.

13. Display Locks Up

Reboot the console by unplugging AC and removing the battery and plugging again. If this happens frequently using AC power then plug it into a surge suppressor or use batteries to make it last longer.


8 Most Common Weather Station Problems

You do not need to be a science or weather geek to appreciate the advantages of adding an electronic weather instrument to your home. Weather affects just about everything we do, and even the local weather information from TV or radio is aimed at an incredibly wide area. When you are planning activities, you need to know what the weather is doing right in your own backyard. Watching and accurately tracking the local weather can be great fun and may even help your kids to develop an interest in science and nature.

The electronic weather stations on the market today are informative, simple to install, and easy to operate systems, but the fact is that things do not always go the way we want them to. The system is designed to give years of trouble-free service, but it is important to keep in mind that they are sensitive electronic instruments that live outside in the weather. If you left your laptop computer turned on and sitting outside on the picnic table overnight during a rainstorm, you would be shocked and amazed if it was working the next morning but we expect the sensor suite of our weather stations to live outside through the stormiest conditions.

To be fair, weather sensors and their housings are designed to be exposed to the weather and your laptop probably is not, but over time, exposure may have a detrimental effect on your system. Weather station problems can be divided into two distinct categories: Problems that show up during or soon after installation, and problems that appear after the system has been in use for a period of time.

1. The Weather Station Is Giving False, Inaccurate, Or No Data The First Time I Turn It On

Although the installation process for most home weather stations is designed to be simple and straightforward, things can and do go wrong. Some homeowners opt for a less expensive system, especially if it is their first weather station. Many less expensive units are of higher quality than expected, but they fall short on information in their user manuals and installation guides. Make every effort to read and understand the instructions before you begin the installation.

Sensor suites with separately housed components tend to be more versatile because the individual sensors can be mounted for the greatest accuracy, however, self-contained units are much easier to install. With a self-contained unit, all of the connections between the individual sensors and the transmitting unit are made at the factory, whereas the connections between separately housed components need to be made by the installer. (TIP: Whenever a wire may be in wet conditions, ensure that at least part of the run loops below the end connections so that water clinging to the wire will run to the low point and drip off rather than running into the connections, electricians refer to this as a “drip loop”.)

Perhaps the most important connection is the one between the sensor suite and the base unit. If the system has a wired connection and both the sensor suite and the base unit are powering up properly, recheck the connections at either end. If they are made properly, the connecting wire itself may be faulty.

Davis Sensors Usage |

There are potentially more things to go wrong with a wireless system, but this is more than offset by the increased range and ease of installation. Some units will have a manual channel selection switch, ensure it is set the same on both the sending unit and the base station. If both the sensor suite and base unit appear to be powering up properly but not communicating, bring the sending unit inside and place it near the base station. Power down both units by removing the batteries and disconnecting the charging units, leaving them powered down for twenty minutes to allow residual power to drain and the memories to reset.

Replace the batteries in the order prescribed in the installation manual (improper battery installation order may cause the units to fail to synchronize). Leave the units in proximity to each other for at least three hours to allow for full synchronization. If this does not work, try the entire procedure again with new batteries. Although the batteries may be fresh from the factory, a bad cell may have slipped by.

      For Davis Vantage Pro2 and Vantage Pro2 Plus Console

davis weather station battery replacement

2. The Base Unit Is Displaying Obviously Inaccurate Data When I First Install The System

The system may be displaying accurate data, but in a unit that you are not familiar with. Some weather stations are set to display metric units by default. Your owner’s manual will give instructions to change the display units, or there may be a simple menu function on the display.

If the wind gauge is giving faulty data, the anemometer may be fouled or unable to rotate freely. Check it by hand, there may be a particle of packing material blocking the rotation. If the wind direction is wrong, the sensor may need to be turned to align with true North.

3. After Giving Trouble-Free Service For An Extended Period, Suddenly There Is No Display On My Base Unit

If the display is completely dead, it is most likely the result of a power interruption. If the base unit is battery powered, the display will usually begin to fade as the cells begin to lose power, but in some cases, it will simply turn off suddenly if the battery voltage is insufficient.

If the unit is powered by AC or an AC adapter, check the connection. While we cannot recommend using any power supply adapter other than the one provided by the manufacturer, they are relatively universal units, and you may be able to find a comparable unit in an electronics store. Many weather station base units are equipped to operate with an AC adapter but have a battery backup. The batteries may be rechargeable or simply dry cells.

If the base station is operational using fresh batteries but not the adapter, your AC adapter may be faulty. Should the unit be operational with the adapter but not the batteries, the batteries need to be replaced. Under normal usage, the batteries should have a long service life, but it is a best practice to renew them when they begin to weaken since older dry cells can leak corrosive chemicals which will cause further damage to the unit. Failure to display using either the batteries or the adapter may still indicate faulty batteries. Replace them before contacting your manufacturer for warranty service.

4. Low Battery Warning On The Console

There are two very distinct types of Low Battery warnings which the operator may see displayed on the base station console, a warning for low power levels in the base station and low batteries in the sensor suite transmitter. These alarms can again be split into two types: genuine or real low battery conditions and spurious or false alarms.

At first evaluation, a low battery warning for the base station may not be that big of a deal. In many cases, the batteries are simply a backup and the base station will run just fine on AC power, even if the batteries are not installed. The unit will reboot itself if AC power is lost and the batteries are not installed. However, it is not a best practice to leave low-powered batteries installed. As batteries age, they may be subject to leaking their corrosive contents and causing damage to the base unit electronics. Replacing the batteries annually or even semi-annually (perhaps coordinated with the changes in daylight savings time, like smoke alarm batteries) is the choice made by some weather buffs. At the very least, remove the old batteries when the console indicates a low battery condition to prevent damage.

Dealing with a low battery condition in the sensor suite is a more difficult and involved situation, simply because it will require actually gaining access to the sensor suite. Observe common-sense ladder safety if the installation is on a rooftop or pole. It is a good practice to familiarize yourself with the power supply configuration on your sensor suite as each manufacturer will employ a different system. Some will employ simple alkaline batteries as primary power for the sensor transmitters while others may have a three-layer system of backups – primary power being solar backed up by solar rechargeable batteries or supercapacitors which are further backed up by long-life disposable batteries.

Some of the three-layer backup systems have a reputation for giving spurious low-battery warnings. This often occurs as the system switches from one power source to another, and should reset within 24 hours. There have been reports of genuine premature battery failure due to moisture “tracking” between battery poles, causing a short circuit condition that discharges the batteries. Since this usually occurs in older units, the recommended repair is the application of an insulating grease between the contacts to prevent the tracking.

Davis Battery Life|


5. The Unit Displays A Fault Code Or Simply Displays In An Erratic Or Unexpected Manner

If you do see a fault code, make a note of the code, and if you can, the conditions which caused it. If the screen displays nonsensical numbers of figures, usually the condition can be corrected with a simple reboot.

The base unit may have a reset button, its location will be indicated in the user’s manual, but a more effective reboot may occur after removing the batteries, disconnecting the AC adapter, and waiting 20-30 seconds before repowering. Rebooting will clear 90% of all base unit faults.

6. Loss Of Communication Between System And Data Logger

Some systems are intended to be used with a home computer or laptop taking the place of the base station console, while other manufacturers offer the option of connecting the base station to a computer for data logging. Personal weather station networks like Weather Underground or NOAA’s Citizens Weather Observation Program (CWOP) will require a data logging system along with an Internet connection. Data loggers are relatively robust, trouble-free pieces of equipment, but problems can and do occur.

If the data logger is being used in conjunction with a base station console, ensure that the base station is displaying correct data before beginning to troubleshoot the logger. The following Weather Station Troubleshooting protocol is based on the supposition that the logger software has been communicating with the computer previously. Communication failure in a new installation is more likely to require warranty or technical support from the manufacturer (although attempting the Weather Station Troubleshooting steps cannot hurt).

Logger communication failure can be caused by reasons ranging from very simple to relatively obscure, but most often they can be corrected using simple Weather Station Troubleshooting tricks which apply to most electronic and PC-related devices.

  • Start by unplugging the USB for 10-20 seconds and replugging. Allow a further 10-20 seconds for the device to reboot.
  • Close then reopen the program.
  • Reboot the computer.
  • Reboot the console, ensuring that the logger is firmly connected to the console.

In most cases, these four “first steps” will resolve the issue, at least temporarily. However, a temporary solution is usually not a satisfactory solution because the purpose of the data logger is to continuously record data without the need to be attended to. If the “first steps” do not resolve the issue, the baud rate or the logger mode may need to be reset on the console. These steps will be covered in your owner’s manual or you may seek assistance from customer support.

If the condition is corrected but reoccurs hours or even days later, you may be experiencing USB dropout. Changes in the computer’s power-save settings may lead to USB dropout causing the unit to power off the USB during power-save modes. A more common cause of USB dropout is USB interference. The conditions which lead to USB interference are not well understood but have been documented in many cases. USB connections are more sensitive to outside interference than traditional connections like serial ports. A change to the physical desktop environment may lead to a mysterious USB interference situation.

7. There Is An Erratic, Faulty, Or No Display From Just One Of Two Of The Sensors

Even an all-in-one sensor suite is made up of individual instruments, and some of them are mechanical and exposed to the weather, and electronic faults can occur in the sensor software as well as in the base station. Since many sensors are solar-powered, rebooting may not be as straightforward.

A solar-powered sensor will have a battery backup. In some cases, the battery will depend upon the solar panel for recharge, in other designs, the power plan will be for the solar panel to provide primary power, excess solar power will go to charging the batteries, and there will be a non-rechargeable cell to back up the rechargeable batteries. These cells will have a long service life, but in certain regions where there are limited daylight hours the backup cell will require more frequent replacement. Refer to your user’s manual.

Debris and normal wear and tear can prevent the anemometer vanes and the wind vane from spinning freely, leading to faulty readings. In most cases, a faulty condition can be observed from ground level before the need to climb to the sensor suite.

Another sensor that is particularly susceptible to mechanical interference in the rain gauge. One of the most common problems stems from the fact that the funnel of the rain gauge is very attractive to nesting birds. Some manufacturers provide screens or bird deterrent devices, but they are still subject to insect or debris infestation. Your owner’s manual will describe the proper procedures to disassemble the rain gauge to remove any foreign objects. Ensure that the bucket assembly rocks freely.

Davis Sensors Usage|

8. The Data On The Screen Does Not Match The Weather I Am Observing

A common question crops up on cold days and the weather station is indicating high humidity. Many people associate high humidity with the uncomfortable sticky feeling they experience in hot, tropical climates, but high humidity can and does occur during cool conditions.

Humidity is a measurement of how much moisture is in the air, and it is expressed in two ways, absolute humidity, and relative humidity. Absolute measured by a device called a hygrometer and is the total amount of moisture in the air often expressed as grams per cubic meter. In general, the warmer the air is, the more moisture it can hold, so relative humidity is an expression of how much moisture is in the air versus how much moisture the air can hold at that temperature.

Evaporation occurs most readily during conditions of low relative humidity. High temperatures with high relative humidity are less comfortable because the human body depends on evaporative cooling. The high relative humidity is actually more common at lower temperatures. Since cool air cannot hold as much moisture, it takes a lower amount of absolute humidity for the air to reach 100% relative humidity or saturated. When the air is saturated, precipitation generally occurs.

9. In Brief…

Usually, the customer service representative will be able to quickly help you to troubleshoot your system and will be helpful if he determines that your issue is warranty related. Before you contact customer service, keep the following in mind:

  • If the Weather Station is giving false, inaccurate, or no data the first time you turn it on, there is likely a problem with the wired or wireless connection or the power source.
  • Data that is obviously inaccurate displayed on the base unit when you first install the system may occur because the display is set to unfamiliar units (possibly metric) or there may be leftover packing material fouling the mechanisms.
  • Faded, erratic, or no display after the system has been in service for a while may indicate power supply issues.
  • A low-battery warning for the base station console may be a minor issue if the unit runs properly on AC power, but old batteries should be removed to prevent damage from leaking batteries. Servicing sensor transmitter batteries will depend on the power configuration of the particular system.
  • Fault codes, erratic displays, or just nonsensical data can often be cleared by doing a full reboot of the base unit.
  • Loss of communication between the data logger and the home computer can usually be resolved with simple Weather Station Troubleshooting techniques
  • If there is faulty or no data from just one or two sensors, there may be a power or mechanical issue in the sensor suite rather than the base station.
  • Use your weather station to not only observe your local weather but also as a tool to understand weather and climate in general.


How To Clean And Maintain Davis Vantage Vue Weather Station