Weather Stationary

Ambient Weather Stations continue to be in the top sellers worldwide.  We are often asked which the better weather station is to buy between the Ambient WS-2902C and the Ambient WS-2000.

In our opinion, both are outstanding products and offer amazing value for money.  While certainly not for professionals, their mid-range price points make them both ideal for home weather enthusiasts.  The Ambient WS-2902C is the latest model in the popular 2902 range and features an upgrade to the LCD display from the WS-2902B.

Ambient Weather WS-2902C

Ambient Weather WS-2902C WiFi Smart Weather Station

Ambient Weather WS-2000

Ambient Weather WS-2000 Smart Weather Station with WiFi Remote Monitoring and Alerts

Ambient Weather WS-2902 WiFi Smart Weather Station

Ambient Weather WS-2000 Smart Weather Station with WiFi Remote Monitoring and Alerts



Ambient Weather WS-2902C

Ambient Weather WS-2902C WiFi Smart Weather Station

Ambient Weather WS-2902 WiFi Smart Weather Station


Ambient Weather WS-2000

Ambient Weather WS-2000 Smart Weather Station with WiFi Remote Monitoring and Alerts

Ambient Weather WS-2000 Smart Weather Station with WiFi Remote Monitoring and Alerts


Last update on 2025-03-12

This article looks to compare the Ambient WS-2000 to the Ambient WS-2902C, but first, a quick overview of the company.

Ambient Weather Stations – Industry-Leading Devices

Ambient Weather continues to be a leading brand in the weather station industry.

As per the company overview, Ambient Weather is a leading weather station & software manufacturer based in Arizona.  The company specializes in offering customized solutions. They have products for homes & offices, schools, industries, government, and various other sectors. Ambient Weather is committed to empowering customers to harness personal weather data. This allows them to make better decisions and take control of their lives.

Ambient Weather manufactures accurate, affordable, and easy-to-install outdoor weather stations. They combine these with engaging and vibrant displays as indoor console units. These high-end weather stations by Ambient Weather also feature built-in connectivity. Log-in to an interactive web-based dashboard along with a map that features weather station readings.

Ambient Weather devices allow you to share your readings or follow other weather stations nearby.  With Ambient Weather stations, you are no longer reliant on data from distant monitors that may not represent your local conditions.

Ambient Weather Stations – WS-2902C Vs. WS-2000

There are many weather stations offered by Ambient Weather, with different models featuring unique specifications. With an eye on accuracy and value, this leading weather station brand has developed exceptionally durable units with a wide range of benefits.

In this post, we review 2 of the best-selling products by Ambient Weather – the WS-2902C weather station and the WS-2000 weather station.

Product NameProduct PlacementMajor DifferencesSpecial MeasurementsDisplay DimensionsDisplayOptional Sensors

Ambient Weather WS-2902C WiFi Smart Weather Station
Entry Level Console + InternetWiFi Connectivity
Basic Console
Additional Sensor Capability
Dew Point
Heat Index
Indoor Humidity
Indoor Temperature
Moon Phase
Outdoor Humidity
Outdoor Temperature
Solar Radiation
UV Radiation
Wind Speed
Wind Direction
Wind Chill

7.5″ X 4.5″ X 0.75″Full ColorThermohygrometer
Probed Thermometer
Indoor Air Particulate Monitor
Outdoor Air Particulate Monitor

Ambient Weather WS-2000 Smart Weather Station
Advanced Console + InternetInternet Connected
Advanced Console
Expanded Sensor Capability
Dew Point
Heat Index
Indoor Humidity
Indoor Temperature
Moon Phase
Moon Rise
Moon Set
Outdoor Humidity
Outdoor Temperature
Relative Pressure
Solar Radiation
UV Radiation
Sun Rise
Sun Set
Wind Direction
Wind Speed
Wind Chill
7.5″ X 4.5″ X 0.75″Full ColorThermohygrometer
Probed Thermometer
Indoor Air Particulate Monitor
Outdoor Air Particulate Monitor
Leak Alarm
Lightning Detector
Soil Moisture

Ambient Weather WS-2902C WiFi Smart Weather Station

Ambient Weather WS-2902C WiFi Smart Weather Station

The Ambient Weather WS-2902C is one of the best weather stations available in the market today.  Considering its reasonable price, the Ambient Weather WS-2902C offers terrific value for money.

This 10-in-1 station can measure high-end parameters like wind direction, wind speed, outdoor temperature, rainfall, solar radiation, outdoor humidity, UV, and much more.  

Our expert review team covers this top weather station in detail.

Design and Performance

The WS-2902C weather station by Ambient Weather is known for its dramatic design features. It has an impressive LCD display, which is an upgrade from its predecessor version, the WS-2902B.  This model is the latest version of professional home weather stations. It allows you to monitor backyard weather conditions as well as settings within the home.

ambient weather station ws-2902 display

The device comes with a clear and easy-to-read LCD display. The color specifications have been completely re-designed from earlier models. Wi-Fi connectivity is enhanced from earlier versions which allow the station to transmit data wirelessly to Weather Underground.  This is the largest personal weather station network in the world and gives precise weather data for any given area.

In terms of performance, the Ambient Weather WS-2902C delivers optimum results.  The unit includes 3 indoor sensors for temperature, humidity, and air quality. This 10-in-1 weather station also has 7 outdoor sensors combined within a single unit for easy installation. 

ambient weather station ws-2902C sensor array

The outdoor Osprey Sensor Array includes:

  1. Rain Gauge
  2. Thermo-Hygrometer Sensor (temperature and humidity)
  3. UV/Solar Radiation Sensor
  4. Wind Cups
  5. Wind Vane
  6. Solar Collector
  7. Bubble Level

Solar panels are incorporated to power the lithium batteries within the unit.  There is also an alkaline battery backup for long-term inclement weather.  These ensure that the Ambient Weather WS-2902C delivers accurate data every day of the year.

With a wireless range of 330ft, you can have your Ambient Weather Station deep in the backyard for better readings.  Superior Wi-Fi connectivity allows you to send real-time data to The elaborate Ambient Weather Network helps in offering an intuitive & interactive experience for monitoring weather-specific data across different platforms.

The WS-2902C is capable of supporting optional sensors such as: WH31P (8 channel), WH31E (8 channel), PM2.5IN, and PM2.5.

10 Weather Sensors

The professional weather station by Ambient Weather helps in monitoring your home as well as backyard weather conditions with its easy-to-read LCD color display.

In fact, the console of the weather station features two subsequent levels of improved wireless connectivity. The device’s sensor array is capable of connecting to the console with the help of the RF (featuring 915 MHz). In turn, the console connects to your router (featuring 2.4 GHz).

Improved Wi-Fi connectivity of the device allows the unit to transmit its data across the Internet. This also allows you to view weather conditions in real-time along with other factors like historical data while receiving alerts on your laptop, smartphone, desktop or tablet.

Ambient Weather WS-2000 Smart Weather Station with WiFi Remote Monitoring

basic weather terms

The WS-2000 model by Ambient Weather gives a full range of local as well as remote weather station data featuring cloud hosting for free at  

With this unit at your home or workplace, you get the opportunity to experience the convenience of possessing personalized weather information on the go.  Get alerts and up-to-date information right from your smartphone, tablet, computer, or desktop.

Design & Performance

The WS-2000 weather station by Ambient Weather is renowned for its remote and local personal units of weather stations. It features a high-definition, TFT, colorful LCD display unit that is easy to read at either day or night.  The design specification of the display features a dark-colored background.

ambient weather station ws-2000 display

The console is capable of receiving important weather-specific parameters like wind speed, rainfall, wind direction, humidity, UV radiation, temperature (both indoors & outdoors), and solar radiation from its wireless sensor array for outdoor weather conditions. It can also receive additional weather information like humidity, barometric pressure, and temperature conditions from the indoor sensor (that is optional and sold separately).

The unit features a dynamic, colorful display tablet for combining measured parameters with accurately calculated data.  This includes “Feels Like” temperature (featuring heat index and wind chill), 10-minute wind direction & wind speed, dew point, sunset, sunrise, forecast and moon phase. 

There is a multi-screen display for including:

  • NIST Internet-based time server synchronization
  • Metric & imperial units of measurement
  • Low & high alarm conditions with audible notifications or alerts
  • Real-time internet-based weather publishing
  • Calibration of all important parameters


The Ambient Weather WS-2000 features a wireless connectivity sensor array which connects to the main console using the RF (featuring 915 MHz).  This gives around 330 feet line of sight under open air conditions (in most cases, 100 feet). The wireless signal will not pass-through solid metal or ground.  

ambient weather station ws-2000 connection

The primary source of power for the sensor array is the solar panel that can charge the super capacitor.  At the same time, there is an optional battery backup, however, additional batteries are not included.

The sensor array will mount to any pole with a diameter range of 1.25 – 2 inches.  In fact, Ambient Weather have a number of poles for mounting your weather station. Moreover, there are additional specifications such as a U-Bolt and adaptive mounting bracket to be tightened to the mounting pole.  Again, this is not included in the package.

The Wi-Fi settings can be directly entered into the display tablet using interactive buttons, and support for encrypted Wi-Fi transmission is also provided.  

The WS-2000 unit by Ambient Weather will display minimum & maximum conditions with proper date & time stamps, along with historical and archived data.  These can be easily exported to the 32 GB SD card (not included in the package) for advanced analysis of data in Excel.

Bright & Connected Display Tablet

The TFT, high-definition display tablet of the device shows wireless wind direction, wind speed, temperature, rainfall, solar radiation, UV radiation, and humidity from the outdoor sensor array.  

ambient weather station ws-2000 light display

Other parameters include barometric pressure, temperature, and humidity from the indoor sensor.

The tablet can support an additional 8 Thermo-Hygrometer sensors which can be placed in and around the house for extensive business or home monitoring.  

Connect to the Internet and Wi directly from the display tablet.


We hope our review has helped clarify the features of both the Ambient Weather WS-2902C and the Ambient Weather WS-2000.  Our experts agree that both offer terrific value for money and provide accurate and easy to understand data.

If you are new to weather stations we suggest starting with the Ambient Weather WS-2902C. It is an easy-to-use product, at a great price that gives good overall data. 

However, if you are on the land, a weather specialist, or just need more weather data, then spend the extra and invest in the Ambient
Weather WS-2000 weather station.  It allows for more data, and also gives you more options to add further sensors over time.

Whichever model you invest in, you won’t go wrong with either of these top weather stations built by Ambient Weather.

Read our review of the Best Weather Stations To Buy in 2021 to read about some other top brands in home weather stations.