Weather Stationary

If you want to find out what’s going on with the weather in your area, a Netatmo Weather Station is the perfect tool. This home weather station will help you determine the humidity and temperature inside and outside, amount of rainfall, and wind speed. 

The Netatmo weather station comes with an app that makes it possible to operate and receive data while on the go. The app also allows you access to loads of historical data. 

While not cheap, the Netatmo weather station is a worthy investment if you want accurate weather data.

Netatmo Weather Station Installation

The Netatmo weather station requires a careful installation process to help achieve the best results.

The base weather station features two components. There is an indoor module that must be plugged in at all times. It gives humidity, temperature, noise, and CO2 readings. The internal module connects to your Wi-Fi network, and it will be best to place it in the room you most want to monitor. 

The other component is the outdoor module.  Ensure you place this out of direct sunlight.  In fact, a partly shaded spot is recommended for accurate temperature data.  The outdoor module gives pressure, humidity, and temperature readings.  It is battery-powered, requiring 2 x AAA batteries that can last up to two years.

If you are looking for flexibility, the Netatmo weather station is an excellent choice.  It allows you to expand the weather station by adding additional battery-powered sensors.  Furthermore, add a smart rain gauge to get live updates on the amount of rain that has fallen.

Last update on 2025-03-29

To get the best readings from your rain gauge, it is recommended to place it 50-150 cm above ground level.  In fact, the best position for your rain gauge is at a distance equal to the height of the obstacles in the surrounding area.  The Netatmo smart rain gauge is also battery-powered, with one-year battery life. 

A Netatmo smart anemometer can be added which is also battery-powered with two-year battery life.  Install it at least 1m above the roof’s highest point to ensure there is no wind turbulence from obstacles.  Place it horizontally with the arrow pointing north (the arrows are at the top and bottom of the anemometer).

Additionally, the smart wind gauge uses ultrasonic transducers to measure variations in the signal.  It records both wind direction and speed without any moving parts. The wireless range is excellent so the sensor can be placed up to 100m away from the weather station.  Install your wind sensor on the roof, and receive the signal on your indoor module.

Netatmo Weather Station App

The Netatmo weather station comes with the ability to connect to a dedicated Netatmo Weather app.  It enables you to monitor indoor and outdoor weather data while on the go.  Furthermore, you can display the data on the comprehensive dashboard or in graphs.  You can even program notifications for different weather settings.

The app is a stand-out feature due to its intuitive interface that is easy to navigate.  Download in the Apple App store or on Google Play.

The top part of the screen displays data from your outside sensors.  It also allows you to swipe to different screens to get background ozone, temperature, humidity, wind speed, and direction. 

Each of the screens will display for you the current measurements as well as the maximum measurements. 

The bottom of the screen displays the current indoor readings with humidity, temperature, noise, and CO2 available.  There is also colored dot that displays air quality.  The dot is green if the air quality is good, yellow for average quality and red warns of high pollution. 

Although the air quality information is handy, a more in-depth air quality sensor gives better detail of your home environment. 

One area where the Netatmo weather station outdoes itself is in the external readings.  You can use the app to see the weather forecast for the next seven days.  The system also uses the data from the wind gauge to display a “feels like” temperature.

Netatmo Weather Station Alerts

The weather station comes with built-in alerts to inform you of any change.  As such, you can program an alert for internal temperature.  Once the indoor temperature reaches a pre-set figure, you can activate your heating or cooling system.  This allows you to save on energy consumption all year.

You’ll also program an alert for outdoor temperatures.  For example, if there is a significant drop, it may indicate a frost and you can move vulnerable plants undercover.  This can also encompass when it starts raining, or when there is a pressure drop signifying that the weather has deteriorated.     

The alerts don’t necessarily have to be warnings.  For instance, you can set the alert to know when the wind is strong enough to fly a kite.  

To get the most out of your Netatmo weather station, connect it to the IFTTT system to allow connection to multiple other devices.  Control most things from your phone, PC, or laptop.  Turn sprinklers off if the wind lifts, get notified when CO2 levels are high, or close the garage when rain is detected.  The opportunities are endless with this highly connected home weather station.

Besides the intuitive and user-friendly app, the Netatmo weather station also features an easy-to-use desktop platform. This offers a better way of comparing data more efficiently without the cramping effect of the mobile app.  Use spreadsheets to track current and historical data.

Additionally, the desktop platform allows you to place graphs and charts side-by-side.  If you prefer using the mobile app, you have to flip through one graph after the other, and you don’t have the luxury of juxtaposing them side-by-side.



Sleek and Elegant  

When looking for a home weather station, functionality and efficacy are priorities.  However, it doesn’t hurt to get a weather station that combines top features with attractive aesthetics

That is the Netatmo weather station for you.  It is highly effective in offering precise and real-time data, but also comes with an elegant and sleek design.  It features two cylinders with a matte grey finish that give a modern and elegant look. 

The outdoor model comes with a groove built at the back, which you can mount according to the manufacturers recommendations.

Netatmo Weather Station Indoor Outdoor with Wireless Outdoor Sensor - Compatible with Amazon Alexa & Apple HomeKit

Final Thoughts

If you are a weather enthusiast looking for a top-notch home weather station, we have you covered.  The Netatmo weather station is a perfect choice. This weather station gives you accurate weather data from both the inside of your home and outdoors.  It measures and records indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity, plus wind speed and direction.   Furthermore, monitor indoor air quality and add sensors outdoors for accurate rainfall data. 

The Netatmo home weather station connects with an intuitive app that enables you to access your weather data from anywhere.  Additionally, the desktop platform enables you to compare historical data and juxtapose graphs. This high-class weather station boasts a sleek and elegant design that adds to any home decor. 

Easily expand your weather data by adding additional sensors and connecting your weather station to smart home devices.

If the Netatmo weather station hasn’t suited your needs, check other best-selling home weather stations for 2021.